Released on September 20, 1946: The strange story of Eddie Kagle! In this dark comedy, the Devil arranges for a dead gangster to return to Earth as a well-respected judge to make up for his previous life.
Directed by: Archie Mayo
Written by: Harry Segal
The Actors: Paul Muni Eddie Kagle/Judge Frederick Parker, Anne Baxter Barbara Foster, Claude Rains Nick, Onslow Stevens Dr. Matt Higgins, George Cleveland Albert, Erskine Sanford the Minister, Marion Martin Mrs. Bentley, Hardie Albright Smiley Williams, James Flavin Bellamy, corrupt political boss, Jimmie Dundee gangster, Murray Alper Jim the taxi cab driver, Sam Ash citizen, Joan Blair the brazen girl in hell, Chet Brandenburg man in audience, James Carlisle citizen, Maurice Cass Lucius, Chester Clute Kramer, Mike Donovan court baliff, James Dime guard of stokers in hell, Eddie Dunn motorcycle cop, Joel Friedkin Malvola, Curt Furburg angry citizen, Sol Gorss ganster, Jonathan Hale citizens for better government chairman, Noble Johnson trustee in hell, Kurt Katch warden in hell, Edward Keane prison yard captain, Kenner G. Kemp lawyer at table, Connie Laird little girl who kises Paul Muni, Mike Lally gangster, Fritz Leiber chemest who poisoned his wife, Carl M. Leviness citizen, Wilbur Mack lawyer's aid, George Meeker Mr. Bentley, Harold Miller lawyer's aide, Georgie Nokes little boy who gives Paul Munin a watch, William H. O'Brien court spectator, Bob O'Connor court spectator, Sarah Padden Agatha, Joe Ploski man in audience, Addison Richards Big Harry, Frank J. Scannell taxi driver, Lee Shumway Bailiff, Duke Taylor gangster, Jack Tornek man in audience, Arthur Tovey court spectator, Archie Twitchell police sergeant, Ben Welden Shaggsy, and Russ Whiteman intern
Runtime: 1h 41m
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