One Night with You

Released on April 25, 1948: An opera singer and a British girl are both stranded in a small Italian village together without any luggage, papers or money.

Directed by: Terence Young

Written by: Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia, Caryl Brahms and S.J. Simon

The Actors: Nino Martini Giulio Moris, Patricia Roc Mary Santell, Bonar Colleano Piero Santellini, Hugh Wakefield Santell, Guy Middleton Matty, Charles Goldner Producer Ludivigo Fogliati, Stanley Holloway tramp, Willy Fueter Director Benjamino Pirelli, Miles Malleson jailer, Martin Miller Police Inspector, Richard Hearne station master, Irene Worth Lina Linari, Judith Furse second writer, Stuart Latham first writer, Brian Worth third writer, Christopher Lee Pirelli's assistant, Andreas Malandrinos waiter, Percy Walsh hotel proprietor, John Warren first ticket collector, Cyril Smith second ticket collector, Armand Guinle restaurant manager, Ferdy Mayne first detective, Tristram Butt second detective, Robert Rietty unknown

Runtime: 1h 32m

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