My Brother Jonathan
Released on March 2, 1946: An elderly doctor tells his son about the events surrounding his birth, and who his real father and mother were.
Directed by: Harold French
Written by: Francis Brett Young with screenplay by Adrian Alington and Leslie Landau
The Actors: Michael Denison Jonathan Drake, Dulcie Gray Rachel Hammond, Ronald Howard Harold Dakers, Stephen Murray Doctor Craig, Mary Clare Mrs. Dakers, Finlay Currie Doctor Hammond, Beatrice Campbell Edie Martyn, Arthur Young Sir Joseph Higgins, James Robertson Justice Eugene Dakers, James Hayter Tom Morse, Pete Murray Tony Dakers, Jessica Spencer Connie Williams, Stuart Lindsell Mr. Martyn, Avice Landone Mrs. Martyn, Wylie Watson Bagley, Hilda Bayley Mrs. Perry, Josephine Stuart Lily Rudge, Fred Groves Lisha Hodgkiss, Beatrice Varley Mrs. Hodgkiss
Runtime: 1h 42m
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