Joyless Street

Released on May 18, 1925: In one of her first motion pictures, young Greta Garbo gets a job as a  prostitute to survive in poverty stricken Vienna after World War I.

Directed by: Georg Wilhelm Pabst

Written by: Hugo Bettauer  and Willy Haas.

The Actors: Asta Nielsen Maria Lechner, Greta Garbo Greta Rumfort, Agnes Esterhazy Regina Rosenow, Werner Krauss Metzger von Melchiorstrasse, Henry Stuart Egon Stirner, Einar Hanson Lieutenant Davis, Gregori Chmara Kellner, Karl Etlinger Max Rosenow, Ilka Gruning Frau Rosenow, Jaro Furth Hofrat Fumfort, Renate Brausewetter Frau, Mario Cusmich Oberst Irving, Maria Forescu Frau, Robert Garrison Don Alfonso Canez, Valeska Gert Frau Greifer, Tamara Geva Lia Leid, Max Kohlhase Marias Vater, Krafft-Raschig American soldier

Runtime: 2h 35m

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