Jane Eyre

Released on August 15, 1934: After a troubled childhood in an orphanage Jane Eyre becomes a governess who falls in love with her employer, but the horrifying mysterious screams in the night from the forbidden part of the house will dash her dreams.

Directed by: Christy Cabanne

Written by: Charlotte Bronte and Adele Comandini.

The Actors: Virginia Bruce Jane Eyre, Colin Clive Edward Rochester, Beryl Mercer Mrs. Fairfax, David Torrence Mr. Brocklehurst, Aileen Pringle Lady Blanche Ingram, Edith Fellows Adele Rochester, John Rogers Sam Poole, Jean Darling Jane Eyre as a child, Lionel Belmore Lord Ingram, Jameson Thomas Charles Craig, Edith Griffies Grace Poole, Claire Du Brey Bertha Rochester, William Burress minister, Joan Standing Daisy, Richard Quine John Reed, Gretta Gould Miss Temple, Anne Howard Georgianna Reed, Olaf Hytten jeweler

Runtime: 1h 2m

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