Gangs of New York

Released on May 23, 1938: A New York City gangster is about to get out of prison and take over his old gang, but the cops have a different idea.

Directed by: James Cruz

Written by: Herbert Asbury with screenplay by Samuel Fuller,Charles F. Royal, Wellyn Totman, Jack Townley and Nathanael West

The Actors: Charles Bickford Rocky Thorpe and John Franklyn, Ann Dvorak Connie Benson, Alan Baxter Dapper Jim Mallare, Wynne Gibson Orchid, Harold Huber Panatella, Willard Robertson Police Inspector John Sullivan, Max 'Slapsie Maxie' Rosenbloom Tombstone, Charles Trowbridge District Attorney Lucas, John Wray Maddock, Jonathan Hale Warden, Fred Kohler Krueger, Howard Phillips Al Benson, Robert Gleckler Nolan, Elliott Sullivan prison guard Hopkins, Maurice Cass Phillips, Eddie Acuff unknown, George Magrill henchman, Pat McKee henchman

Runtime: 3h 36m

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