Bill Cracks Down

Released on March 22, 1937: Two men fight over control of the Steel Mill and also compete for the love of Susan Bailey, the secretary.

Directed by: William Nigh

Written by: Morgan Cox, Owen Francis, Dorrell McGowan and Stuart E. McGowan

The Actors: Grant Withers 'Tons' Walker, Beatrice Roberts Susan Bailey, Ranny Weeks Bill Reardon Jr., aka Bill Hall, Judith Allen Elaine Witworth, William Newell Eddie 'Porky' Plunkett, Pierre Watkin Bill Reardon Sr., Roger Williams steel mill foremand Steve, Georgia Caine Mrs. Witworth, Greta Meyer Hilda, Edgar Norton Jarvis the butler, Harry Depp lawyer Smalley, Eugene King Zimich, Landers Stevens Doctor Colcord, Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson chauffeur, Jean Carmen unknown, Rolfe Sedan jewelry salesman, Tom Steele steel mill worker at party, Duke Taylor steel mill worker

Runtime: 1h 1min

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