Behind the Mask

Released on August 24, 1936: A priceless relic is stolen at a New Year's Eve party by a mysterious man wearing the costume of a fellow who was planning to elope with his girlfriend after the party.

Directed by: Michael Powell

Written by: Jacques Futrelle with the screenplay by Jack Byrd, Syd Courtenay, Ian Hay and Stanley Haynes

The Actors: Hugh Williams Nick Barclay, Jane Baxter Lady June Slade, Ronald Ward Jimmy Slade, Maurice Schwartz Paul Melchior, The Master, George Merritt Detective Inspector Mallory, Henry Oscar Interpol Detective in Voltaire costume, Donald Calthrop Doctor Harold E. Walpole, Kitty Kelly Marian Weeks, Wilfrid Caithness Raines the butler, Peter Gawthorne Lord Slade, Gerald Fielding Harrah, Reginald Tate Allan Hayden, Moyra Fagan Nada, Ivor Barnard Hewitt, Barbara Everest Lady Slade, Hal Gordon Sergeant, Syd Crossley policeman, Henry Caine Beetson, Nick's butler, Esma Cannon waitress Emily, Cameron Hall unknown

Runtime: 1h 30min

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