Against the Wind

Released on February 11, 1948:

Directed by: Charles Crichton

Written by: J. Elder WIlls with screenplay by Michael Pertwee, T.E.B. Clark and Paul Vincent Carroll

The Actors: Robert Beatty Father Eliott Philip, Simone Signoret Mechle, Jack Warner Uncle Max, Gordon Jackson Johnny Duncan, Paul Dupuis Jacques Picquart, Gisele Preville Julie, John Slater Emile Meyer, Peter Illing Andrew, James Robertson Justice Professor Ackerman, Sybille Binder Florence Malou, Helene Hansen Marie Berlot, Gilbert Davis Commandant, Andrew Blackett Frankie, Arthur Lawrence Verreker, Eugene Deckers Marcel Van Hecke, Leo de Pokorny Balthasar, Rory MacDermot Carey, Kenneth Villiers Lewis, Kenneth Hyde Captain Parker, Olaf Olsen German officer, Philo Hauser Joseph, Martin Bradley Captain Rich, Sheila Carty Bridie Donnelly, Margot Lassner Madame Meyer, Guy Deghy German Sergeant Major, Jean Pierre Hambye Blondel, George Kersen Flour, Duncan Lewis Sergeant, Robert Wyndham doctor, Andre Morell Abbot

Runtime: 1h 36m

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