Adventure Island

Released on August 13, 1947: Three Men and a woman are stranded on an uncharted South Seas Island that is home to a mad maniac who thinks he is God.

Directed by: Sam Newfield

Written by: Robert Lewis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne with screenplay by Maxwell Shane

The Actors: Rory Calhoun Mr. Herrick, Rhonda Fleming Faith Wishart, Paul Kelly Captain Donald Lochlin, John Abbott Huish, Alan Napier Attwater, Douglas Spencer prisoner, Iris Bynam Bathsheba, Joseph's wife, Val Carlo Joseph, Delmar Costello Sally Day, Gerardo Sei Groves a Kanaka crewman, Mailoa Kalili a Kanaka crewman, Bob Lugo native guard, Joe Medina a Kanaka crewman, George Piltz a Kanaka crewman, Julian Rivero Uncle Ned, Tony Urchel native guard, Lilo Yarson David

Runtime: 1h 6m

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