Released on January 20, 1933: Filmed and released first in Czechoslovakia, it contains the first known fully nude female scene, the first female orgasm, and the first lady to smoke afterwords. It was banned in the U.S. for many years.
Directed by: Gustav Machaty
Written by: Frantisek Horky, Jacques A. Koerpel and Gustav Machaty from a book by Robert Horky.
The Actors: Hedy Lamarr Eva Hermann - her credit reads 'Hedy Kiesler, Aribert Mog Adam, Zvonimir Rogoz Emile, Leopold Kramer Eva's father, Emil Jerman Eva's husband - voice, Jirina Steimarova the typist, Bedrich Vrbsky Eva's father - voice, Jirina Stepnickova Eva - voice, Antonin Kubovy Ein Landstreicher, Karel Macha-Kuca Der Rechtsanwalt, Pierre Nay Le jeune homme, Andre Nox Le pere, Eduard Slegl Ein Landstreicher, Jan Svitak Der Tanzer auf der Barandov-Terrasse, Ladislav Bohac Adam, Comedian Hormonists themselves.
Runtime: 1h 35m
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