Tom Wolfe's modern American satire tells the story of Sherman McCoy, a Wall Street "Master of the Universe" who has it all - a Park Avenue apartment, a job that brings wealth, power and prestige, a beautiful wife, an even more beautiful mistress.

Suddenly, one wrong turn makes it all go wrong, and Sherman spirals downward in a sudden fall from grace that sucks him into the ravenous heart of a New York City gone mad during the go-go, racially turbulent, socially hilarious 1980s.

From the Trade Paperback edition.

  • Tom Wolfe

Binding: Paperback

Edition: Reissue

  • Great book!

Label: Bantam

Manufacturer: Bantam

Publication Date: 1988-12-01

Publisher: Bantam

Release Date: 1988-11-01

Studio: Bantam