A tiny nation has been transformed into a devastating threat to global peace by the awesome technology of war. The lives of three hundred captured Americans dangle by threads clutched in the fist of a ruthless despot. Diplomacy is futile when dealing with an unrepentant madman and his minions. The time has come for the use of force, led by a superb and dedicated fighter pilot named Jack Locke. Force of Eagles is an electrifying novel of a Superpower pushed to the breaking point, of courageous exploits and vengeance meted out by able men in magnificent machines of war that come screaming out of the skies. For now it is the dawn of a terrifying new day. The world is no longer safe from the murderous whims of petty tyrants. And the last desperate hope of a great nation held hostage lies with the best and the brightest of the U.S. Air Force -- and in an impossible rescue mission that will lead them through the fiery gates of Hell. Authors:
Binding: Mass Market Paperback Label: Avon Manufacturer: Avon Publication Date: 1991-03-01 Publisher: Avon Release Date: 1991-03-01 Studio: Avon |