A Magnetic Pulser is a healing instrument that emits a powerful magnetic field momentarily and when held against a particular area of the human body, can provide relief from many forms of pathogenic based ailments.
Popularly used as an effective treatment for arthritis, near immediate results are possible from this system, due to an extremely powerful energising system. This powers a heavy duty inductance coil via a reservoir bank that is energised to over 300 volts.
Designed from the ground up to be unlike other systems, power is derived directly from 120 volts mains power, not being stepped down by a power supply or transformer.
Designed to store more energy per pulse than the original Bob Beck design, this produces a magnetic field density greater than other competing units, and therefore offers results on a totally new level.
This Professional grade High Power system is more effective than other systems currently being sold , Amazon and other websites and marketplaces.
Easy to use and powered by a 120V A.C. wall outlet, the unit is charged up nearly instantaneously and ready to use. A trigger control will release the energy to the coil while the unit is held against the chosen bodypart.
Instantanteous pain or ache relief may be possible with one brief application. Repeated application may be conducted for chronic conditions.
Perfectly safe to use, however DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT OF IF A PACEMAKER WEARER
Pioneered by Dr Bob Beck, this is a supercharged model, that is far more effective than most commercial models at a realistic price.
This is built to order, so please allow 10-14 days for completion of your purchase.