Fibber McGee and Molly was a radio show that played a major role in determining the full form of what became classic, old-time radio. The series was a pinnacle of American popular culture from its 1935 premiere until its demise in 1959. One of the longest-running comedies in the history of classic radio in the United States, Fibber McGee and Molly has stood the test of time in many ways, transcending the actual or alleged limitations of its medium, form and concurrent culture. James "Jim" Jordan (16 November 1896–1 April 1988)and Marian Driscoll (15 April 1898–7 April 1961), were natives of Peoria, Illinois who met in church and married in 1918. The genesis of Fibber McGee and Molly occurred when the small-time husband-and-wife vaudevillians began their third year as Chicago-area radio performers. Two of the shows they did for station WENR beginning in 1927, both written by Harry Lawrence, bore traces of what was to come and rank as one of the earliest forms of situation comedy.


CD 1
35-04-16 The Motorcycle Cop, the Judge and Fibber
35-04-30 Hot Dogs and a Blowout
CD 2
35-07-15 A Swim in the Ocean
35-07-22 The Baseball Instructor
CD 3
35-08-26 The McGee's Win 79 Wistful Vista
35-09-23 Anything to Get out of Scrubbing the Back Porch
CD 4
35-10-28 Halloween Party
35-12-09 Christmas Shopping
CD 5
35-12-30 New Year's Celebration
36-01-13 Master Of The Kennel
CD 6
36-03-02 Encyclopedia Salesman
36-04-20 Street Car Motorman
CD 7
36-06-22 The Employment Agency
37-01-04 The Antique Dealer
CD 8
37-04-26 The Take off for Hollywood
37-05-31 The Insurance Salesman
CD 9
37-06-07 Molly Loses Her Diamond Ring
37-06-28 The Human Cannon Ball
CD 10
37-07-05 Getting out of the Hollywood Lease
37-07-19 Homecoming Program
CD 11
37-09-13 A Drama in Ancient Rome
37-10-11 Shopping for a New Car
CD 12
37-12-27 Heir to an Estate with Oil Wells
38-01-24 McGee Minds a Baby

This item is the public domain and was created between January 1, 1923 and December 31, 1971
This item is in the public domain due to failure to comply with required formalities
After a careful search of the Library of Congress and the United States Trademark and Patent Office, it has been determined that the programs listed for sale here are in the Public Domain. They are being offered with the understanding that no valid or active copyright, trademark, and/or patent exist for them. These recordings are sold for private home listening and use only. No broadcast rights are stated, implied, or given. I assume no responsibility for unauthorized use of these programs. They are listed in accordance with current policies concerning selling Public Domain materials.