Nureyev's Don Quixote VHS
Kultur Video
Australian Ballet with Lucette Aldous
With Nureyev and Helpmann in the directorial chairs and Nuraeyev, Helpmann and Lucette Aldous as lead dancers, this 1973 film glittered with dance, costume, scenery and music. The 1999 restoration enables us to see the production at its best, a best which is hard to beat. The Don Quixote story is barely utilized but supplies the framework for ensemble, duet and solo dance which puts it among the finer demonstrations of ballet centered film making. Nureyev does not disappoint though dividing his energy between the two roles, directing and dancing. In Lucette Aldous and the Australian Ballet he has found able support while Robert Helpmann does well all that is required of him
Dancers: Rudolph Nureyev, Lucette Aldous, Ray Powell, Francis Croese, Robert Helpmann
Directors: Rudolph Nureyev, Robert Helpmann
Format: Full Screen, Color, NTSC, Mono
Rated: NR Not Rated
Number of tapes: 1
Studio: Kultur Video
VHS Release Date: October 22, 1991
Run Time: 110 minutes