The interest of the content notwithstanding, the original recipient of this vintage periodical named in the address was an honored naval aviator who led several squadrons including VF-14 on the USS Roosevelt. As such it is a great keepsake.
The National Observer was published by Dow Jones from 1962 to 1977 and is a moderately conservative paper. Their criticism is never TOO strong but it is still always at the opposition. Overall though more of a calming conservatism than a rabble-rousing one; students who demonstrate at their University are alright as long as they understand it is only a temporary phase they are going through. Capisce? For the most part any given issue will touch some on the issues most current at the time.
October 7, 1968. One month before the national elections and the events of the Chicago Democratic convention were still ringing. Look at that photo of Jerry Rubin, why couldn't he have remained a nice young man with a good job? Noting VP candidate Agnew on the front cover, he was one of the least known figures ever nominated and so readers are being reassured he is a man cut from good Republican cloth.
Sub copy with plain mailing wrapper still has been folded since it was made and it will be mailed that way. May have minor tears or scuffs on edges or folds. Paper not badly aged, it is old newsprint though.