You are buying 1 Chicago Lustre viburnum in a 2.5" pot 6-12" tall. The Chicago Lustre viburnum is selected for its upright rounded dense habit and glossy deep green foliage that turns red to purple in fall. The creamy white flowers bloom in June and mature into clusters of globe shaped fruit. The fruit are deep porcelain blue to blue purple maturing in August providing food for birds. This viburnum is highly adaptable to dry poor soil of various pH heat, drought and pollution. It makes an excellent formal or informal hedge, boarder group planting or specimen shrub reaching mature height of 8-10' in height and 8-10' in width.
These are hardy in zones 5-7
We are a licensed nursery in TENNESSEE cert#2235. Planting instructions included with every order.
Thank for looking at our listings.
We do not ship to ARIZONA. Due to California soil restrictions plants must be shipped bare root. We recommend dormant orders only October-April for California.