Editions Thill s.a. Bruxelles [Published Date: No date, circa late 1970's - early 80's]. Paper covers, 48 pp. Text in English, German and Italian. Albert Van Loock (1917) was a bookseller and art dealer in Brussels; born in Rouen. His mark stamped on drawings and prints that he sold. This is a collection of his architectural prints of Brussels from the Belle Epoque (1871-1941). The collection includes 23 colored prints on the left hand side, together with a brief description of each building and its significance in English, German and Italian and a black and white illustration (photo or drawing).
Binding: Paperback Label: Editions Thill s.a. Bruxelles Manufacturer: Editions Thill s.a. Bruxelles Publication Date: 1980 Publisher: Editions Thill s.a. Bruxelles Studio: Editions Thill s.a. Bruxelles |