School Reading By Grades Third Year By James Baldwin –

James Baldwin (1841 ? 1925) was born in Indiana, United States and made a career as an educator and administrator in that state starting at the age of 24. After a long career in education, he went on to become a widely published textbook editor and children's author in the subjects of legends, mythology, biography, and literature, among others

Copyright 1897

American Book Company

208 pages

Condition: -- Complete. That's a good thing. Page 15/16 is there but is not attached. Book has pencil writings inside both covers and on the end pages, and on some pages throughout the book. I have seen some pages with small tears along the edges. There are some dirt spots on the pages. Spine is loose, has slant or roll. Boards have soft, scuffed corners. Broken page hinge of back cover/end page.

Name written inside back cover is Chas. ? Chambers --Middle name looks like Waltby


Name in the front of book looks like Leland Stile