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Exploring Where and Why, Kindergarten
How is your neighborhood like other neighborhoods, and how is it different?

Thirty charts with framing questions spark discussions and hands-on activities that develop visual analysis skills and reinforce social studies content and skills. The 30 charts address a variety of themes, including:Familia, amigos, y yo
Estaciones y días festivos
En la ciudad y en la granja
Tierra y agua y mapas
Los Estados Unidos y el mundoAlrededor del mundoComponents:
1 Gigante Atlas de Nystrom. Each of the atlas’s 30 pages uses a framing question to introduce a theme. The poster-size pages (30"w x 22"h) are markable, and accompanying clings add to their hands-on interactivity. 2015 updated edition.
1 teacher’s guide (Spanish edition) with step-by-step lesson plans in English and with Spanish-language photocopy masters for reproducible handouts. 176 pages.
1 literacy library with 12 age-appropriate Spanish-language fiction and nonfiction trade books and correlated cross-curricular activities expands the curriculum while developing literacy skills
8 sheets of static clings
2 floor maps
2 markers
The Spanish Program’s edition of the Nystrom Jumbo Atlas corresponds page for page with the English version, but text and place names throughout the atlas are in Spanish. The teacher’s guide supplies detailed lesson plans in English, student handouts and answer keys in Spanish. The literacy libraries offer Spanish fiction and nonfiction books that are equivalent to their counterparts in the English program, plus lesson plans with directions in English.

QuantityOrder CodeISBNMedia/ContentPriceNYS2210PSP-WBNYSCOMPLETE PROGRAM$599.00