• Title: Genealogical Register of the Stearns and Farrar Families, 1630-1915. (Also comes with extras as stated below under Comments.)
  • Author: Anna Tuckerman Wood. Anna Maria Tuckerman Wood was born November 13, 1831 in Ashburnham, Massachusetts and died at the age of 86 on December 16, 1917 in Rindge, New Hampshire. She is buried at the Meeting House Cemetery in Rindge. She was the daughter of Henry and Charlotte (Farrar) Tuckerman. She was married on October 15, 1868 to John Earl Wood, the son of David and Mary (Earl) Wood. John was a farmer in Rindge. It is uncertain whether she published this book, or if a descendant published it later from her notes. The dates of inclusion are stated as 1630-1915 and she died in 1917.
  • Publisher: Self-Published
  • Publishing Date: N/A
  • Edition: Possibly one-of-a-kind, typewritten or carbon copy
  • Binding: Softcover
  • Pages: 43 + extra blank pages
  • Illustrated: Three real attached photographs, front and back of Isaac Stearns ceramic pitcher inscribed with his name and "Peace, Plenty and Independence" and a third image of a pitcher with the Stearns Coat-of-Arms.
  • Interior Condition: Solid binding, complete and intact except for a small clipped out piece measuring 3.5 x 1 on page 27 (one-sided page) and a 6.75 x 2.5 clipped out piece on page 28 (one-sided page) for unknown reasons. Very good with additional writing inside as new genealogical information arrived or transpired as in deaths, etc.
  • Exterior Condition: Very good
  • Dust Jacket: No
  • Size: 4to (8.5 x 10.75 x 1/4)
  • ISBN: N/A
  • Comments: Comes with a mostly handwritten deed dated June 5, 1827 involving a land sale by Charles Stearns to Timothy Stearns in New Ipswich, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. Also included is a single page typewritten genealogy of the descendants of Charles Borman and Chloe Massey (or Mersey), a newspaper clipping dated 1937 pertaining to the Stearns family, and a small photograph of a WWI soldier Reines (sp?) dated 1918.

    The genealogy opens with this excerpt regarding Isaac Stearns, "the emigrant was from Nayland Parish, Suffolk County, England. He came to this country in the ship Arabella with Governor Winthrop in 1631; settled in Watertown, Mass., near Mt. Auburn. He was admitted Freeman May 18, 1631 which is the earliest date of such admission. In 1647 he was Selectman and for many years held important positions in town affairs. The signature on his will is written Sternes, and in England it is written Sterne. The Anglo-Saxon of the name of the bird, the Starling, which appears on the Coat-of-Arms of this family is Stearn; in other dialects Stern."

    The Farrar family genealogy begins on page 29 with the excerpt, "Jacob Farrar was one of the original proprietors of Lancester (Lancaster, Massachusetts) which was incorporated May 18, 1653. He was probably thirty years old when he came to this country the middle of the seventeenth century. His wife, Ann, whom he married about the year 1640, with four children and about half of his property, were left in England until their new home was prepared for them in Lancester, Mass. where they arrived in 1658. During King Phillips War he had two sons killed in the year 1675. The town was taken February 10, 1675-6 and most of his property destroyed by the Indians. He died August 14, 1677." The remaining portion of the genealogy features the children and descendants of Jacob Farrar and his wife Ann.