Elegant Aware
Thee Highest Quality Gear
Over 100,000 sold...and going...
100% Guarantee
.8ml Wickless
Leak Resistent
Precision Drilled Holes
(1.5x1.5mm 2 square holes)
510 Thread
5 Sexy Colors
Fashion and Beauty in One
All testing should be done with the lowest voltage battery  setting possible. This allows the full flavor of any concentrate to be obtained. If you are not sure which battery is the best to use, check out our Cold Fusion Preheater. You can add too your cart to save on shipping. add number:152552838782
Elegant Aware brings you the latest information brought to us by oil/juice creaters around the world (see our instagram under Elegant Aware). We try to carry the highest quality cartridges with optimum specifications for all oils. The key is just finding the right one. 

Need Anything else, see our videos on youtube, or contact us...

Elegant Aware