In the same tender,
uplifting, and heart-warming style of Stories For The Heart is this
wonderful collection of stories selected for a mother's heart. These
tender stories will inspire mothers to be "all they can be" for their
children. Many of our most loved communicators have written something
honorable about their mothers. These inspirational stories by
communicator like Ruth Graham, Gigi Tchividjian, Kay James, and Luci
Swindoll instill Christian values and virtues. They motivate encourage
and honor mothers. This would make a great gift for the prospective
mother or for your special Mother on mother's day, her birthday, or
In the same tender, uplifting, and
heart-warming style of Stories for the Heart, this wonderful collection
of stories honors mothers. Some of our most loved authors -- Ruth
Graham, Gigi Tchividjian, Kay James, Luci Swindoll and others -- share
tender stories of how their mothers instilled Christian values and