From savoring the "here and now" to preparing for our glorious future in heaven, Livinging Somewhere Betwen Estrogen and Death by conference speaker Barbara Johnson is your wise and witty guide to the joys and challenges of aging gracefully.
Not for nothing has Barbara Johnson earned her reputation as "the evangelical Erma Bombeck." With the mixture of humor, faith and spiritual discernment that has become her trademark, she manages to hallow the ordinary aspects of everyday existence while getting off one-liners that provoke both laughter and insight at the human condition. Here she applies her considerable skill and antic sensibility to understanding that period in a woman's life that falls "between menopause and large print." In "Living Somewhere Between Estrogen and Death," Johnson celebrates the healing and the hope that accompanies the emptiness of loss, and demonstrates once again the healing power of laughter, and the efficacy of grace.