n this amusing commentary on middle-age single life in the 1990s, Levine (It's Better to Laugh, coauthored with Scovell), a 40-something host on the QVC home shopping channel, delivers her thoughts on a variety of topics, including dieting, plastic surgery and the dating game. Readers will particularly enjoy her hilarious account of a singles restaurant night attended by 20 "great" women and six extremely boring men. Despite several setbacks (such as a chemical face peel that became infected and a duplicitous lover who made off with her $1800 loan), Levine maintains her optimism and ability to laugh at herself. She also describes her success with a physician-prescribed weight-loss pill and offers sensible advice on nutrition. She drops her relentlessly upbeat tone only in an affecting chapter on the death of her ex-husband, Jay Levine, from whom she had been divorced for 10 years