Wonderful workmanship! So intricate! It's a great gift for someone you love or a great addition to your collection. This pictured is the exact one you will receive perfect gift ! Proud to own one!Don't miss it!

Tiger eye is a stone of protection that is also very grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower, practicality and correct use of power. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. Tiger's eye is also a very protective during travel. It can help one see clearly without illusion. Tiger's eye brings a special boost to the solar plexus chakra and to one's personal power.

Laughing Buddha is also known as Buddha of Happiness. Legend dictates that nothing would make this Buddha happier to see people problem transform into happiness. Business owner or politician will do well, if you wear this pendant with you. Many Feng Shui masters referred Laughing Buddha as the Buddha of Wealth. This is because of the image of the Laughing Buddha is believed to attract unlimited of prosperity and abundance of wealth lucks. For those who are engaged in any kind of business, I suggest you have one of this Deity image with you to bring wealth luck and good fortune as well.

product detail
- Shape / Type: Pendant / Charm / choker / necklace
- Material / Gem: natural tiger eye
- Shipping/Handling FREE by standard int'l shipping (10-18 days delivery)
- Grade / Type: 100% Grade A / Type A / Class A
- Origin: china
- Refractive Index: 1.66 - 1.69
- Specific Gravity: 3.33 - 3.34
- Color & Variety: yellow Color, Icy Variety
- Size: ~ 41 x 23 x 13 mm
- Weight ( g / ct ): ~ 26 g / 130 ct
- Luster: Grassy Luster
- Surface Texture: Medium Grain
- Condition: Excellent
- Accessory: with adjustable necklace cord

Shipping Policy
Shipping/handle fee is charged based on chargeable weight (not net weight), chargeable weight is listed in item description above, s/h fee rate chart is listed below
EMS: express mail service, 4-8 days to USA,Canada, UK, Australia etc., S/h fee to other counties varies
Standard int'l shipping: 10-18 days to worldwide for packages below 2kg. S/h fee for packages over 2kg to other countries than USA varies

Combined Shipping
Combined s/h fee is charged based on the total of chargeable weight
For example, one order has 3 items:
Item #1, a jade pendant, chargeable weight is 100grams
Item #2, a jade necklace, chargeable weight is 100grams
Item #3, a jade bangle, chargeable weight is 200grams
The total of chargeable weight is: 100+100+200=400grams

Registered mail (free online tracking number, $1.5 value)
All of our packages will be shipped by registered mail with online tracking number ($1.5 value), sorry we do not send packages unregistered.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
If you are not fully satisfied with our products, please email us immediately, and return them within 7 days from the date you receive them for a full refund. No restocking fee will be charged.