What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Fairfield County and its people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1877.


A Complete History


Fairfield County,




By Hervey Nelots


Dennis & Clark

Printers and Binders

Columbus, Ohio




305 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 



Bar of Lancaster

Baptists, New School

Band of Horse-thieves

Births and Deaths

Binninger, Philip

Banks of Lancaster

Commerce of Fairfield County


Carpenter's Addition

County Jail

Court of Common Pleas

Canal Celebration

Court of Quarter-Sessions

County Fair

Catholic Church

County Officers

Colored Citizens of Lancaster

Cold Spring Rescue


Dunker Church


Episcopal Church

Emanuel's Church, St

Evangelical Association (Albright)

First Settlement

First Born

First Mails and Post-route

Fourth of July

Finances of Lancaster in 1827

Finances of Fairfield in 1875

Fairfield County in 1806

Fairfield County in the War of 1812

Growth of Lancaster

Ghost Story

Grape Culture

General Sanderson's Notes

German Reform Church

Gas-Light and Coke Company

Governors of Ohio

Horticultural Society

Hocking Valley Canal


Inscriptions in Kuntz's Graveyard

Judges of Court

Knights of Pythias

Knights of Honor

Knights of St. George


Lancaster Gazette

Lutheran Church, first English

Land Tax

Mount Pleasant

Medical Profession




Methodist Church

New Court-house


Old Religious Stanzas

Old Plays

Ohio Eagle

Other Papers

Odd Fellowship

Omish Mennonite Church

Primitive State of the Country

Public Square


Patrons of Husbandry


Protestant Methodist

Pleasant Run Church

Presbyterian Church

Public Men


Presidents of United States

Ruhamah Green (Builderback)


Rush Creek Township in 1806

Refugee Lands

Reform Farm

Representatives in Congress

Representatives and Senators, State Legislature

Rebellion of 1861

Regular Baptist Church


St. Joseph's Benevolent Association


St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church


Typhoid Epidemic


Personal Recollections and Personal

Ashbaugh, John

Beery, George W.

Bope, Jacob

Barr, Thomas

Chaney, John

Carlisle, B. W.

Cherry, Thomas

Crook, John

Crumley, Daniel

Courtright, John

Cole, Thomas

Ewing, Hon. Thomas

Ewing, Thomas E.

Fishbaugh, Mordecai

Foster, David

Foster, F. A.

Griffith, Samuel

Hunter, Hocking H.

Harmon, George

Hathaway, A.

Heyl, Christian

Hunter, Andrew

Jackson, Thomas

Iric, John

King, Mrs. Flora

Kester, Samuel

Leonard, Henry

Leist, Michael

Leith, John

Lyle, David

Landis, Martin

McClung, William

Murphy, William

Murphy, Theodore

McClung, Mrs. Jane

Peters, Wesley

Radibaugh, Mrs. Mary

Rudolph, Christian

Eutter, Mrs. Catharine

Ream, Jonas A.

Reece, Thomas

Sheaffer, Jacob

Sites, Frederick

See, John

Shawk, Charles

Sherrick, Elizabeth

Stemen, Nicholas

Sherman, Judge Charles

Stewart, Levi

Van Pearce, Mrs

Vandemark, Elias

Vanzant, John

Williams, John

Wiseman, Joseph

Young, Mrs. Eachel