What a wonderful look at life in the mid-west in the 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Allamakee County and its people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of:


Past and Present of

Allamakee County, Iowa

A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement

By Ellery M. Hancock



Volume I and Volume 2







(Over 1100 pages on 1 CD)

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 


Volume 1 Table of Contents as Shown:

Chapter I: Early dawn 
Chapter II: Encroaching civilization 
Chapter III: The aborigines 
Chapter IV: Civil government 
Chapter V: Allamakee County 
Chapter VI: The old mission 
Chapter VII: Early courts 
Chapter VIII: Geology of Allamakee County 
Chapter IX: Agriculture and manufactures 
Chapter X: Politics 
Chapter XI: County officers 
Chapter XII: The county seat 
Chapter XIII: The county press 
Chapter XIV: The county bar 
Chapter XV: County schools 
Chapter XVI: Public utilities 
Chapter XVII: A dark chapter 
Chapter XVIII: The pioneers 
Chapter XIX: Township organization 
Chapter XX: History of Waukon 
Chapter XXI: History of Lansing 
Chapter XXII: Postville and post township 
Chapter XXIII: Allamakee in the Civil War 
Volume 2 Biographical Index:

Biographical Surnames



* surname with more than one individual
** surname with five or more individuals

Alexander, Ames*, Anderson, Arnold*, Asleson, Bachtell, Bakkum*, Barnes, Barr, Barthell*, Beardmore*, Becker, Beede, Behrens, Bell, Bellows, Bender, Beucher, Beutler, Biggs, Bock, Bollman, Bottolson, Bowen, Boyce, Brainard, Brazell, Brennan, Briar, Broderick, Bryson, Bulman, Buntrock, Burdick, Burnham, Busness*, Byrnes, Cavanaugh, Chamberlain, Christiansen, Christianson, Clark*, Collins*, Colsch, Colvin, Conley, Conway*, Cook, Coppersmith, Corrigan, Cummings, Dahl, Dayton*, Decker*, Deemer, Deering, Delaney, Denning, Deremore, Dixon*, Dolphin, Douglass, Dowling, Drake, Dull

Dunning, Dutton, Duval, Earle, Eaton, Ebendorf, Eckert*, Egan, Eide, Eisenla, Ellingson, Ellis, Engebretson, Engelhorn, Ericson, Erwin, Espeland, Evans, Evenmoe, Faegre, Fellows*, Ferguson, Fett*, Folsom, Fossum, Frahm, Franck, Fretheim, Gallagher, Gast, Gericke*, Gilbertson, Gordon, Gramlich, Gregg, Gronna*, Haas, Hagen*, Hager, Hale, Halvorsen, Hamann, Hammel*, Hancock*, Hanks, Hansmeier, Harnack, Harris**, Hart*, Hartley*, Hayes, Hecker, Heffernan, Hefner, Heins, Helming*, Hendrickson*, Herman, Hermanson*, Hertrampf, Hesla, Hilmo, Hirth*, Holahan, Holmes, Holter, Howe, Howes

Iverson, Jacobson*, Jenkins, Johnson*, Jones*, Kane, Kascel, Keenan, Kelly, Kelley, Kerndt*, Kielty, Knudtson*, Kolsrud, Krambeer, Krousie, Krueger, Kruger, Krum, Kruse, Kuester*, Laird, Lamborn, Land, Larkin, Larson**, Lawson, Layer, Leas*, Lenz, Leppert, Letourneau, Leui, Lewis, Livingood, Lloyd, Luce, McCabe*, McClintock, McCrystal, McEwen, McLaughlin, McShane, McWilliams, Marble, Marti*, Martin, May*, Meier*, Meiners*, Melaven*, Melcher, Meyer*, Mielke, Miller, Miner, Minor, Mitchell, Moe*, Molumby, Monserud, Moore, Morstad, Mosier, Murphy, Nagel*, Narum, Nicholson*

Niehaus, Nierling*, Nordgaard, O'Brien, Olson, Orr*, Osmundson, Palmer*, Paulson, Peck, Pederson, Peglow, Peterson, Phipps, Pufahl, Quandahl*, Quillin, Ralston, Rathbun*, Read, Regan, Rema, Ressel, Rider, Riser*, Roberts, Robey, Robinson, Roerkohl, Roffman, Ronan, Rood, Rouster, Rudnick, Rupp, Rush, Russell, Ryan, Sadler, Sander, Satrang, Sawyer, Scannell, Schlitter, Schultz, Schwarzhoff*, Sebastian, Seglar, Segrist, Selberg, Shattuck, Sherman, Simenson, Smith*, Sorum, Spieler, Spinner*, Staadt, Stafford, Steele, Stillman, Stilwell, Stock, Stopperan, Storla, Strelow, Sutter

Svendson, Swenson**, Teeple, Thomas, Thompson*, Thornton, Tilleraas, Tisdale, Topel, Topliff, Troendle*, Van Nice, Wachter, Walsh*, Wampler, Waskow, Waters*, Webb, Webster, Weymiller, Whalen, Wiemerslage, Wild, Wilke*, Willis, Winter, Wintrick, Wuennecke, Wurtzel*