What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Orange County and its people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1907.



History of

Orange County,



From its Formation in 1734 to the end of Reconstruction in 1870; compiled mainly from Original Records


With a Brief Sketch of the Beginnings of Virginia, a Summary of Local

Events to 1907, and a Map



W.W. Scott


Everett Waddey Co.

Richmond, VA




292 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 



CHAPTER I. - The Seating of Virginia

CHAPTER II. - The Genesis of Orange

CHAPTER III. - Organization of the County

CHAPTER IV. - The Courthouses

CHAPTER V. - The Colonial Churches

CHAPTER VI. - Other Old Churches—The Dissenters

CHAPTER VII. - Indian Antiquities

CHAPTER VIII. - French and Indian Wars

CHAPTER IX. - Orange in the Revolution

CHAPTER X. - Germanna and the First Settlers

CHAPTER XI. - Progress to the Mines

CHAPTER XII. - The Knights of the Horseshoe

CHAPTER XIII. - Physical Features

CHAPTER XIV. - Social and Economic

CHAPTER XV. - Crimes and Punishments

CHAPTER XVI. - The Orange Humane Society

CHAPTER XVII. - From 1848 to 1861

CHAPTER XVIII. - The War Period

CHAPTER XIX. - Reconstruction, 1865 to 1870

CHAPTER XX. - Fiscal and Statistical, 1870 to 1907

CHAPTER XXI. - Miscellaneous

CHAPTER XXII. - Biographical Sketches

CHAPTER XXIII. - Historic and Other Homes

CHAPTER XXIV.- Being a Personal Retrospect



List of Surnames found in Index


Adams, Allen, Anaugi, Anderson, Atkinson, Auberge, Bagby, Baker, Ball, Ballard, Ballenger, Barbour, Barnett, Bartley, Baylor, Beale, Becket, Bell, Bennett, Beverly, Blakey, Blankenbaker, Bledsoe, Bohannon, Bomer, Borden, Bouquet, Bradford, Bransford, Brent, Brock, Broil, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Bryan, Bryant, Buchanan, Bullard, Bullock, Burnley, Burrus, Burton, Bush, Byrd, Calwell, Campbell, Carpenter, Carter, Cave, Chandler, Chapman, Chew, Clark, Cleveland, Clore, Cobbler, Coleman, Conner, Conney, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Coons, Cowherd, Craig, Crenshaw, Crosthwait, Curtis, Daniel, Davis, Davison, Dinkle, Douglas, Downer, Downs, du Pont, Earnest, Eastham, Edmondson, Farmer, Field, Finks, Finlason, Fishback, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Fleshman, Fontaine, Forbes, Franklin, Fry, Furnace, Furnes, Gaines, Garth, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gooch, Gordon, Graffienreid, Greame, Green, Grigsby, Grymes, Haeger, Hackley, Haley, Halsey, Hamilton, Harmon, Hartswell, Hase, Hawfield, Hawkins, Haxall, Head, Henderson, Henry, Henshaw, Hensley, Hervey, Hiden, Hill, Hinke, Hite, Hitt, Hobson, Hoffman, Hogg, Holladay, Holt, Holtzclaw, Howard, Howe, Hughes, Jones, Joice, Johnson, Kaffer, Kelly, Kemper, Lamb, Leach, Lederer, Lee, Leland, Lewis, Lightfoot, Lindsay, Long, Low, Lucas, Lyne, McClayland, Marshall, Magruder, Mallory, Marshall, Martin, Mahone, Maury, Meade, Mercer, Merry, Mills, Minor, Mitchell, Monroe, Montague, Moore, Morgan, Morton, Mouldin, Nelots, Newman, Nichols, Overton, Page, Pannill, Patton, Paulitz, Payler, Pearcey, Pendleton, Pollard, Pollock, Porter, Porteus, Powell, Price, Quarles, Randolph, Rawlings, Rector, Rice, Richeson, Riddle, Roberts, Robinson, Robertson, Rogers, Russel, Sanders, Sanford, Scott, Shackleford, Sheible, Shepherd, Sims, Singleton, Slaughter, Smith, Snow, Snyder, Southall, Spencer, Spillman, Spotswood, Stallings, Stanard, Staves, Stephen, Stevens, Stilfy, Stodgill, Strother, Taliaferro, Taylor, Terrell, Thacker, Thompson, Thornton, Thomas, Todd, Turner, Utz, Waddel, Wails, Walker, Waller, Wambersie, Warner, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Waugh, Weaver, Webb, White, Williams, Willis, Wingate, Winslow, Wirt, Wolford, Wood, Woods, Woolfolk, Wythe, Yates, Yeager, Zimmerman






Census, 1782

Will of President Madison

War of 1812

War of The Revolution

Commissions, 1734-1783

Roster of the Montpelier Guards During John Brown Raid, 1859

Roster of C.S.A. Soldiers, 1861 to 1865

Members of the Various Conventions

Members of the Colonial House of Burgesses







Montpelier Frontispiece

At Burlington


Cameron Lodge

Church of the Blind Preacher




Map of Orange County



Mount Sharon

Pleasant View


Soldier's Rest


Tomb of Madison


Wood Park