What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s. This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Marshall County and its people.
2 BOOKS ON THIS CD ! (Over 1780 Pages)
1) History of Marshall County Iowa –Published 1917
2) Portrait and Biographical Album of Marshall County Kansas – Published 1889
An essential resource for Genealogists Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect. This book on CD is SEARCHABLE *
Book 1
History of Marshall County, Kansas Its People, Industries and Institutions
With Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families
By Emma E. Forter
B.F. Bowen & Company, Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana
1040 pages Contents Chapter I. Geology, ornithology and flora Chapter II. Early explorations Chapter III. Indians in Marshall County Chapter IV. Settlement of Marshall County Chapter V. County and township organization Chapter VI. City of Marysville Chapter VII. City of Blue Rapids Chapter VIII. Cities, towns and villages Chapter IX. Foreign element in Marshall County Chapter X. Railways of Marshall County Chapter XI. Agriculture and stock raising Chapter XII. Military history Chapter XIII. Political history Chapter XIV. Schools of Marshall County Chapter XV. Churches in Marshall County Chapter XVI. Fraternal orders, societies and clubs Chapter XVII. The medical profession Chapter XVIII. Bench and bar of Marshall County Chapter XIX. Banks and banking in Marshall County Chapter XX. Marshall County Press Chapter XXL. Miscellaneous items of interest Chapter XXIL. Sidelights on Marshall County History Biographical
Biographical Surnames
Alspach, Anderson, Armstrong, Balderson, Ballard, Bancroft, Bauman, Beaty, Belknap, Bennett, Berens, Bergen, Bergmann, Beveridge, Bommer, Bottger, Boyd, Bradley, Brandenburg, Brodrick, Brolyer, Brooks, Brychta, Buck, Burnett, Cain, Carlson, Carney, Chaddock, Champagne, Claeys, Clark, Clifton, Craft, Crane, Crome, Cummings, Curtis, Davis, Dean, DeLair, Denlinger, Denton, Detweiler, Dever, Dexter, Dickey, Dilley, Dolen, Drumm, Duigenan, Dwerlkotte, Ellenbecker, Embleau, Erickson, Farrar, Farwell, Fenwick, Fisher, Flanagan, Focks, Follett, Forter, Fulton, Fulwider, Gallup, Garrison, Gaston, Gaylord, Germer, Gibson, Gossin, Graham, Green, Greiveldinger, Hamilton, Harper, Harry, Haslett, Hawkins, Hedge, Heiserman, Helvering, Hemler, henry, Hermann, Herring, Hessel, Hirt, Hohn, Holtham, Howell, Howes, Hunt, Hunter, Hutchinson, Huxtable, Irvin, Jacobson, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Joseph, Judd, Kabriel, Kapitan, Keck, Keefover, Keller, Kerschen, Kinsley, Kirlin, Kjellberg, Koeneke, Koepp, Koppes, Krasny, Krug, Kruse, Kuoni, Lackland, Lamb, Larkin, Larson, Layton, Lewis, Lillibridge, Lindeen, Lindquist, Link, Lofdahl, Lofinck, Ludwick, Lynch, McAtee, McKee, Maitland, Malicky, Malone, Manly, Manning, Marksman, Meybrunn, Miller, Moden, Moeller, Mohrbacher, Moore, Morse, Moser, Myers, Nelson, Nichols, Nyquist, Obermeyer, Olson, O'Neil, Pape, Parthemer, Paul, Pauley, Pecenka, Peterson, Pishny, Poteet, Potter, Pralle, Pulleine, Rabe, Reb, Reed, Rice, Riekenberg, Ringen, Robinson, Rodkey, Rueger, Runkle, Russell, Rutti, Saathoff, Scanlan, Schlax, Schmidler, Schmidt, Schulte, Schumacher, Schwindaman, Scott, Sedivy, Sedlacek, Seematter, Shaughnessy, Sheldon, Shroyer, Shumate, Skalla, Smith, Spratt, Stedman, Steig, Stephens, Stevenson, Steward, Stewart, Strayer, Stromer, Strong, Suggett, Sullivan, Swanson, Tarvin, Taton, Thacher, Thiele, Thomann, Thompson, Thomson, Tibbetts, Tilley, Times, Toedter, Train, Travelute, Traxler, Vanamburg, Van Vliet, Wagner, Warnica,, Waters, Weaver, Weber, Wells, Werner, Westburg, Wilcox, Willey, Winquist, Winter, Witt, Wittmuss, Wohler,, Wood, Wuester, Wullschleger,, Yaussi,, Zarybnicky, Zimmerling,
Book 2
Portrait and Biographical Album of Marshall County, Kansas
CONTAINING Full Page Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the County,
740 pages Contents Introductory Transportation
Abbott, Acker, Adams, Allen, Allender, Alspach, Anderson, Andrews, Anthony, Armstrong, Arthur, Auld, Axtell, Balderson, Ball, Barbour, Barks, Barlow, Barrett, Beach, Becker, Bell, Bennett, Bentley, Bigham, Bigham, Billingsley, Binder, Bishop, Blakeway, Blanchard, Bluhm, Boyakin, Boyd, Bradshaw, Brainard, Brenneke, Brennan, Brice, Brockmeyer, Brooks, Brown, Brucker, Buchanan, Burke, Burnett, Butler, Cain, Caldwell, Campbell, Carney, Cassidy, Casterline, Chaffee, Chambers, Champagne, Chapman, Chesley, Christianson, Clark, Cleveland, Cockerill, Cohrs, Cole, Colgrove, Compton, Cook, Cooper, Corpstein, Coulter, Craft, Cragle, Craik, Cranston, Crawford, Crevier, Crusa, Cunningham, Curs, Cutler, Daily, Davis, Dawes, Dawkins, Degnan, De Lair, Dickey, Dille, Dotson, Doty, Dougherty, Douglass, Duffy, Duntz, Eby, Eddy, Edmundson, Edwards, Eilenbecker, Elliott, Ely, Ensign, Esterbrook, Estes, Ewing, Fairbanks, Farrant, Farrar, Farrell, Fillmore, Finnigin, Fitz, Fitzgerald, Fleming, Flin, Focks, Follett, Ford, Frahm, Frost, Fuller, Fulton, Funck, Garfield, Gebbie, Gerhart, Gerlinger, Gilchrist, Glick, Goldsberry, Goodwin, Gorbutt, Granger, Grant, Green, Griffee, Griffin, Griffis, Griswold, Guittard, Guthrie, Hahn, Hall, Hammett, Hanke, Harrison, Hartman, Harvey, Hawk, Hayes, Hazen, Hazlett, Healy, Hedge, Heisse, Heleker, Hemphill, Hill, Hiner, Hohn, Holle, Holloway, Holmes, Holton, Hone, Horr, Howe, Howes, Huber, Hughes, Humfreville, Humphrey, Hund, Hunt, Hurley, Hutchinson, Ingraham, Jackson, Jefferson, Jester, Joerg, Johnson, Jones, Judson, Kahae, Kane, Kanfold, Keiper, Kelley, Kennedy, Kerschen, Kirch, Kirkwood, Kistler, Kjellberg, Koch, Koeneke, Koester, Koppes, Kramme, Krebs, Kriley, Kunz, Kuoni, Landrum, Lane, Lann, Leavitt, Lemons, Leonard, Leslie, Lewis, Libby, Life, Lincoln, Livingston, Loban, Locke, Lodholz, Long, Mabie, Madden, Madison, Magill, Manly, Mann, Manning, Marks, Martin, Mason, Massey, Maxwell, McAtee, McClarnen, McCurdy, McDonald, McGrew, McKannon, McKee, McKellips, McLennan, McLeod, McMahan, McMillan, McPherson, Means, Meinecke, Merklinghaus, Millenbruch, Miller, Mills, Moffitt, Mohlenbrink, Mohrbacher, Montieth, Monroe, Montgomery, Moore, Morton, Moser, Moshiskey, Murphy, Nash, Neal, Neel, Newton , Niemann, Ockerman, Olston, Osborn, Otto, Packard, Palmer, Park, Parthemer, Paul, Peabody, Pecenka, Perdue, Peters, Pickette, Pierce, Planck, Plunkett, Polk, Pollard, Price, Pritchard, Punteney, Raemer, Randall, Randolph, Reed, Reiter, Reitzel, Reser, Rice, Robinson, Rodkey, Rogers, Rohde, Roll, Rommel, Rounds, Roundtree, Rowland, Ruden, Rundle, Ryan, Sachs, Sanderson, Satterfield, Scheibe, Schell, Schmickler, Schmidt, Schmucker, Schroeder, Schumacher, Scott, Scrafford, Scriber, Shaffer, Sharp, Shearer, Sheehan, Sheldon, Shepard, Shibley, Shields, Shores, Shroyer, Sitler, Souders, Smercheck, Smiley, Smith, Spangler, Speak, Spealman, Staley, Stauss, Stegelin, Stehlik, Stettnisch, St. John, Stocks, Stoehr, Stohs, Stowell, Strange, Strayer, Summers, Swanson, Swart, Swearingen, Talbot, Tarvin, Tatlock, Taylor, Terry, Thomann, Thomas, Thompson, Thurston, Tilley, Tillmann, Totten, Travelute, Trout, Tucker, Turnbull, Tyler, Van Buren, Van Scoter, Veith, Vickery, Wadick, Wagner, Walker, Walls, Walter, Warnica, Washington, Waterbury, Waters, Waterson, Watkins, Watson, Watt, Watters, Wayman, Webster, Weede, Wells, Wertemberger, Westermann, Wheeler, White, Wiedemeyer, Wilcox, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Winkler, Winter, Witham, Wolverton, Wuester, Yates,