What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Buffalo County and its people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original Book published in 1916.


Buffalo County


And Its People


A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement



Samuel Clay Bassett




Volume 1 and Volume 2



The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company




800 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 


Volume 1

Table of Contents

Chapter I. Before the white man came
Chapter II.
Fort Kearney
Chapter III.
Buffalo County; Hall County
Chapter IV. Boundaries of
Buffalo County
Chapter V. Huntsman's Echo, first newspaper published in
Buffalo County
Chapter VI. Organization of
Buffalo County
Chapter VII.
Buffalo County in 1870
Chapter VIII. Proceedings of the first meeting of the board of county commissioners
Chapter IX. Character of the early settlers
Chapter X. Rev. David Marquette
Chapter XI. The Boyd Ranch, James E. Boyd, owner; later Governor of
Chapter XII. Across the plains in 1853
Chapter XIII. A pioneer family
Chapter XIV. The Indian stampede in August, 1864
Chapter XV. Across the plains in 1860
Chapter XVI. A broken axle
Chapter XVII. Government lands
Chapter XVIII. Soldier's free homestead colony
Chapter XIX. Soldier's free homestead colony, cont
Chapter XX. Soldiers' free homestead colony, cont
Chapter XXI. Soldiers' free homestead colony, cont
Chapter XXII. A colonist's trip to
Chapter XXIII. The public school
Chapter XXIV. Incidents in a wedding journey across the
Platte in 1869
Chapter XXV. Pioneer merchandising in central
Chapter XXVI. Homesteaders in
Buffalo County
Chapter XXVII. First Fourth of July picnic, 1872
Chapter XXVIII. The county seat
Chapter XXIX. Bridging the
Platte at Gibbon and Kearney Junction 
Chapter XXX. The Saxon Colony
Chapter XXXI. The April storm of 1873 
Chapter XXXII. The Grasshopper plague 
Chapter XXXIII.
Chapter XXXIV. Gibbon
Chapter XXXV.
Chapter XXXVI.
Chapter XXXVII.
Elm Creek Township 
Chapter XXXVIII. Loup and Rusco Townships 
Chapter XXXIX.
Armada Township and Miller
Chapter XL. Scott and Sartoria Townships
Chapter XLI. First settlers in
Cedar Township 
Chapter XLII. First flouring mill; erected in 1873 
Chapter XLIII. Organization of telephone companies in
Buffalo County 
Chapter XLIV. Efforts to vote county bonds as aid to railroads 
Chapter XLV. Cowboy troubles in
Buffalo County 
Chapter XLVI. Resources of
Buffalo County
Chapter XLVII. Precipitation and temperature records in
Buffalo County 
Chapter XLVIII. Organization of the Republican Party in
Buffalo County in 1871 
Chapter XLIX. My first state convention in 1876 
Chapter L. Political parties in
Buffalo County 
Chapter LI. The anti-monopoly movement in
Nebraska and in Buffalo County 
Chapter LII. Capital relocation 
Chapter LIII. List of persons holding official positions 
Chapter LIV. Defalcation of James Van Sickle, County Treasurer 
Chapter LV. Patrons of husbandry 
Chapter LVI.
Erie farmer's club organized in 1874 
Chapter LVII. Murder and burning of Mitchell and Ketchum 
Chapter LVIII. Last buffalo hunt of the Pawnees in 1873 
Chapter LIX. Introduction of alfalfa into
Nebraska and Buffalo County 


Volume 2

Biographical Index


Anderson, Andrews, Ashburn, Bargmann, Barney, Barr, Barrett, Bassett, Basten, Bayley, Bean, Beck, Beeman, Bell, Bennett, Bessie, Bills, Bishop, Black, Blair, Bliss, Bodinson, Bohn, Bolan, Bonsack, Bower, Bowker, Boyd, Brady, Brown, Buck, Buol, Campbell, Carrig, Cary, Cass, Charlson, Chase, Clapp, Clark, Conroy, Cook, Crawford, Criffield, Crossley, Cruit, Crumley, Daul, Donnell, Downing, Dryden, Dugdale, Duncan, Dungan, Dunkin, Easterling, Edwards, Eldridge, Ellis, Erazim, Ewer, Farris, Feldmayer, Fiala, Fieldgrove, Finch, Fines, Flint, Fowler, Frank, Freeman, Funk, Gardner, Gehrke, Gordon, Griffin, Gunn, Hageman, Haines, Hamer, Hankins, Harris, Hart, Harte, Haug, Hauschild, Hawthorne, Hayes, Heffner, Henderson, Henline, Henning, Henninger, Herbst, Hibberd, Highland, Hill, Hlava, Hogg, Holloway, Holmes, Hoover, Hostetler, Jacobson, Johnson, Jones, Kahle, Kase, Keep, Kibler, Killian, King, Kirk, Klein, Kluge, Knerl, Knobel, Knox, Knutzen, Koeppe, Krassman, Larimer, Leas, Leibee, Liesinger, Linn, Lippincott, Lloyd, Loewenstein, Lowe, Lowell, Lucas, Lukenbill, Lunger, Luth, McCartney, McConnaughey, McDonald, Mahoney, Major, Manuel, Maurer, Merryman, Meservey, Milbourn, Miller, Miner, Minton, MOrris, Mueller, Nichols, Nutter, Nye, O'Connor, Ogilvie, Oldham, Oliver, Olson, Owen, Packard, Parrish, Penn, Phillips, Pickett, Pierson, Prascher, Pratt, Putnam, Randall, Rasmussen, Reddy, Redington, Reed, Reynolds, Roach, Robinson, Roby, Rodgers, Ross, Salsbury, Saylor, Schlattmann, Schnoor, Schramm, Scott, Scribner, Shahan, Shellenbarger, Shrader, Smaha, Smith, Snyder, Southworth, Spencer, Stanton, Stark, Stearns, Steele, Stickel, Stoeger, Sullivan, Swartsley, Swenson, Switz, Tarbell, Templin, Thiessen, Tingley, Todd, Troupe, Tunks, Turner, Urwiller, Vacek, WalkerWallace, Walsh, Webbert, Webster, Wedemeyer, Weidner, Wheelock, Whitcher, Wight, Wilkie, Williams, Wilson, Wilt, Wink, Wiseman, Wort, Wyman, Zimmerman, Zimpfer