What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains a brief history of Texas and histories of Johnson and Hill Counties.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1892.


A Memorial and Biographical

History of

 Johnson and Hill Counties, Texas


Containing the early history of this important section of the great state of Texas, together with glimpses of its future prospects, also biographical mention of many of the pioneers and prominent citizens of the present time, and full-page portraits of some of the most eminent men of this section





The Lewis Publishing Company




774 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 



Early History of Texas
Johnson and
Hill Counties 

Johnson County
Hill County 
Biographical sketches 


Abbott, Abney, Adams, Arnold, Baillio, Bain, Bales, Ball, Ballard, Barcley, Barnes, Barr, Bennett, Berry, Biship, Blanton, Boatwright, Boesch, Boggs, Bonner, Boone, Bounds, Boyd, Bradley, Branch, Brannan, Bransom, Brooks, Brown, Buck, Buckley, Bugbee, Burgess, Calfee, Callaway, Carlisle, Carlow, Carmichael, Cartwright, Cassady, Causler, Chambers, Chance, Chorn, Clardy, Clark, Clarke, Cleveland, Cline, Coats, Coffin, Colville, Cook, Cox, Crane, Criggs, Crumley, Dabney, Daniel, Davis, Deason, Denton, Derden, Dickson, Dodson, Douglass, Downey, Drennan, Dudley, Duncan, Eagleston, Easter, Edmonds, Edrington, Elam, Elder, Ellington, Elliott, English, Ewing, Ezell, Fahm, Fancher, Fewell, Fields, Files, Floore, Flow, Floyd, Ford, Foster, Fountain, Foussat, Fox, Frasier, Frazier, Freeland, Freeman, Friou, Gathings, Gebhard, Gilliam, Glenn, Goodloe, Gordon, Graham, Grant, Gray, Green, Griffin, Guest, Hale, Haley, Hall, Hammer, Hancock, Hardesty, Harlin, Harper, Harrell, Harriss, Hart, Hawpe, heard, Heath, Hecock, Heeth, Herbert, Herod, Herrell, Hickman, Hicks, Hill, Hix, HOdge, Holland, Hollingsworth, Hooker, Horne, Houchin, Hudson, Hunt, Hunter, Hurley, Hurst, Hutcheson, Hutton, Ince, Ingle, Irving, Jack, Jackson, Jarrard, Jay, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Keith, Kennard, Kennedy, Killough, King, Kirby, Kirkpatrick, Knox, Kyle, Lambert, Landers, Larramore, Latimer, Lawrence, Lawson, Lee, Lewellen, Lindgren, Long, Lorance, Loveless, Lowder, Lunpkin, Maner, Marrs, Marsh, Martin, Mason, Mastin, Matson, Matthews, Mayes, McClain, McClung, McClure, McCowan, McCreight, McGowan, McKenzie, McKinney, McKinnon, McKee, McKey, McKoy, McMillan, McMurry, McNeese, McQuatters, Mead, Mertz, Metze, Milam, Milier, Mills, Mobley, Montgomery, Moore, Moorman, Morgan, Morrison, Moss, Murray, Myers, Naugle, Nelots, Norman, Norton, Norwood, Odom, Orand, Orenbaum, Osborn, Parrott, Paschal, patterson, Patten, Patton, Peterson, Pettit, Pickett, Pittman, Pitts, Pogue, Poindexter, Pool, Pratt, Prestridge, Prewitt, Ramsey, Rawls, Ray, Reavis, Renfro, Richards, Richardson, Riguana, Roberts, Robey, Robinson, Rogers, Rose, Russell, Sanderson, Satterfield, Saunders, Sawyers, Scotfield, Scott, Scurlock, Senter, Sessions, Shepard, Shine, Shropshire, Simpson, Sims, Smith, Smyth, Sorrells, Southern, Spivey, Spooner, Stanley, Stevens, Stout, STringer, Stroud, Sturgis, Sumner, Tarlton, Thomas, Thompson, Tipton, Tomlinson, Townes, Trulove, Turner, Upshaw, Vaughan, Vickers, Vinson, Wagley, Walker, Walling, Walraven, Ware, Watts, Weatherred, Weaver, Webb, Welborn, West, Westbrook, White, Whorton, Wier, Wilbanks, Wilie, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wombwell, Wood, Wrigley, Yeager, Yerby, Young, Zollicoffer