What a wonderful look at life in the mid-west in the 1800’s. This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Leavenworth County and its people.
This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1921.
Leavenworth County,
680 pages on 1 CD
An essential resource for Genealogists
Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.
This book on CD is SEARCHABLE *
Table of Contents
Chapter I: Indian history
Chapter II: Early explorations
Chapter III: Early settlements
Chapter IV: Early settlements continued
Chapter V: Pioneer life and homes
Chapter VI: First things in city and county
Chapter VII: Early day transportation and highways
Chapter VIII: Fort Leavenworth
Chapter IX: Organization of county
Chapter X: Leavenworth City
Chapter XI: Slavery question and the Civil War
Chapter XII: Churches
Chapter XIII: Lodges, clubs and societies
Chapter XIV: National and state institutions
Chapter XV: The press
Chapter XVI: Medical profession
Chapter XVII: The Leavenworth County bar
Chapter XVIII: World War
Chapter XIX: Spanish-American War
Chapter XX: Miscellaneous
Chapter XXI: Biographical history
Adams, Alford, Anderson, Anthony, Arring, Atkinson, Baade, Babcock, Baer, Baker, Banks, Barnes, Barrett, Beal, Becker, Becher, Begley, Biddle, Biehler, Bleistein, Bodde, Boling, Bollin, Bond, Boone, Bowen, Bransfield, Bright, Brose, Brown, Browning, Brune, Buchanan, Bueckemann, Bullard, Burns, Burre, Byrne, Cahill, Campbell, Carr, Chambers, Chapman, Cheatwood, Cherrie, Chestnut, Clark, Cleavenger, Cockerell, Coe, Coffman, Cogan, Coldren, Collins, Colvin, Concannon, Connelly, Corson, Cory, Cooper, Courtney, Cox, Crites, Curtin, Dassler, Davidson, Davis, Day, Defrees, Dews, Dick, Dickenson, Dicks, Dohrn, Domann, Donnelly, Donovan, Doran, Douglas, Drews, Dunbar, Dunnuck, Eberth, Edmonds, Eggert, Ehart, Evans, Everhardy, Farrell, Faulkner, Fenning, Fishback, Flinner, Folger, Freeman, Fredrick, Fuqua, Geisen, Gilman, Gist, Goble, Goff, Gray, Grisham, Grootaers, Haag, Hall, Hallenbeck, Halpin, Hand, Harper, Harris, Hashagen, Hassett, Hegarty, Heim, Henderson, Hennessy, Hennessey, Henry, Herries, Hiatt, Hicks, Hiesrodt, Hill, Hillner, Hinz, Hook, Hooper, Hovey, Hughey, Hunnius, Hunt, Jadicke, Jamieson, Jeffries, Johnson, Justus, Keating, Kelly, Kemler, Kemberling, Kenton, Kennedy, Kern, Kesinger, Klamm, Klinkenberg, Knipe, Kopp, Krueger, Kruse, Kuhnhoff, La Caille, Laird, Langworthy, Lark, Leakey, Leeman, Linaweaver, Logan, Lohman, Loomis, Lord, Lowe, Lozensky, Lysle, McAuliffe, McClure, McConkey, McCreary, McEvoy, McFarland, McIntire, McMillen, McNamee, McNaughton, McNerney, McRill, McQuillan, Martin, Masterson, Mayer, Medill, Meinke, Mensing, Meyer, Morris, Mosse, Mottin, Murr, New, Nieman, Nirschl, Ode, O'Dea, O'Donnell, Oplinger, Papenhausen, Payeur, Peters, Petherbridge, Pettit, Phelps, Poberezny, Porter, Potter, Powell, Pulley, Rapp, Robinson, Roe, Rozendal, Rush, Sanders, Sass, Schmekel, Schmidt, Schroeder, Schweizer, Seckler, Sedgwick, Seeley, Seifert, Seitz, Seymour, Sharpe, Short, Shrey, Siscoe, Smeiser, Smith, Snyder, Sparks, Spaulding, Spears, Stafford, Stein, Stephenson, Stevenson, Stigleman, Stoneburner, Swan, Taylor, Taschetta, Thornburgh, Timberlake, Timpe, Toffler, Townsend, Tudhope, Twomey, Uhlrich, Unmessig, Voorhees, Waelti, Walden, Walker, Ward, Warring, Weingarth, Wellhouse, Wendel, White, Wilson, Wise, Wosser, Wortman, Wright, Wuerth, Yoakum