What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s. This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Gage County and its people.
This is a scanned copy on CD of the original Book published in 1918.
History of
Gage County,
Hugh J. Dobbs
Lincoln, Nebraska
Western Publishing and Engraving Company
1100 pages on 1 CD
An essential resource for Genealogists
Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.
This book on CD is SEARCHABLE *
Chapter I. The discoveries
Chapter II. Territory of Louisiana
Chapter III. Nebraska up to 1866
Chapter IV. Gage County
Chapter V. Old Clay County
Chapter VI. Topography of Gage County
Chapter VII. Flora and Fauna
Chapter VIII. The public domain
Chapter IX. The pioneers
Chapter X. "Have you an Eve." Poem by Edwin Ford Piper
Chapter XI. First actual settlers
Chapter XII. Narrative of Major Albert Lamborn Green
Chapter XIII. First white settlers
Chapter XIV. Founding of Beatrice
Chapter XV. Narrative of Mrs. Julia Beatrice (Kinney) Metcalf
Chapter XVI. Founders of Beatrice
Chapter XVII. A roll of honor
Chapter XVIIII. Narrative of George Galf, with biographical sketch
Chapter XIX. Growth of Beatrice from beginnings to1870
Chapter XX. Beatrice continued
Chapter XXI. Beatrice continued
Chapter XXII. Beatrice continued
Chapter XXIII. Blue Springs
Chapter XXIV. Wymore
Chapter XXV. Incorporated villages
Chapter XXVI. Unincorporated villages
Chapter XXVII. County offices and officials
Chapter XXVIII. Hospitals
Chapter XXIX. Military history of Gage County
Chapter XX. The bench and the bar
Chapter XXXI. People who have done their part in making Gage County
Biographical Surnames
Ackerman, Acton, Adam, Adams, Aden, Albert, Albrecht, Andersen, Anderson, Anthony, Applebee, Armstrong, Ashby, Atkins, Austin, Ayres, Babcock, Baker, Balderson, Bardwell, Barmore, Barnard, Barnes, Barnum, Barratt, Bates, Bauman, Beam, Bednar, Benson, Beran, Beza, Bibb, Bigler, Bindernagel, Black, Blakely, Boesiger, Boggs, Bohnstedt, Bonebright, Bonham, Bourne, Bower, Boyd, Boyer, Braddock, Bradley, Brainard, Brewster, Bridenthal, Brodhead, Brown, Brubaker, Brugh, Bryson, Buhr, Bull, Burbank, Burch, Bures, Burger, Burgess, Burke, Burket, Burnham, Burroughs, Burrows, Busboom, Bush, Cacek, Callan, Calland, Campbell, Carpenter, Carsten, Carstens, Chamberlin, Champ, Chapman, Chittenden, Classen, Clancy, Clark, Clayton, Clough, Cobbey, Colby, Coleman, Colgrove, Collins, Cook, Cooper, Craig, Cramer, Crangle, Crawford, Cripe, Crocker, Crook, Cullen, Cummings, Curry, Dalbey, Damkroger, Darner, Darwin, Davis, Dawson, Day, Dean, De Bolt, De Buhr, Dell, Dewey, Dobbs, Dole, Dorn, Dorsey, Douglas, Drummond, Duis, Dvorak, Eastman, Eby, Ehman, Eggert, Eickmann, Elias, Ellis, Emery, Enlow, Epard, Erickson, Essam, Evans, Fall, Farlow, Faulder, Faxon, Feerhusen, Field, Filley, Fishbach, Fisher, Focken, Folkerts, Forbes, Fossler, Freel, Freeman, Frerichs, Frisbie, Fritz, Fritzen, Fry, Fuller, Fulton, Gafford, Gale, Galloway, Garrison, Gerdes, Gessell, Giddings, Giesmann, Gilmore, Gish, Goodban, Goodman, Graf, Graff, Graham, Grant, Gray, Grieser, Griffiths, Griggs, Grone, Gronewold, Gudtner, Hagerman, Hale, Hall, Hamm, Hardy, Harms, Harper, Harpster, Harrington, Harris, Hartzell, Hasenohr, Haupt, Haverland, Hawes, Hazen, Hazlett, Hebel, Heetlage, Heffelfinger, Helmke, Hemphill, Henteges, Hepperlen, Hereth, Hershey, Hevelone, Hewett, heyen, Hiatt, Hibbert, Higgins, Hilton, Hinds, Hite, Hitt, Hoffstaedt, Hollingworth, Holm, Hood, Horn, Horner, Horrum, Houghton, Howe, Howey, Hoyle, Hubka, Hughes, Hunkle, Hurtz, Hutchinson, Jack, Jackson, Jamison, Janzen, Jewell, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jurgens, Kasparek, Kelley, Kerk, Kidd, Kiler, Kilpatrick, King, Kinney, Kirby, Kivett, Klaus, Klein, Kloepper, Knochel, Knox, Koenig, Kors, Kracke, Kramer, Krapp, Krauter, Krebsbach, Kriter, Kroese, Kroos, Krotz, Krueger, Kuhlmann, Lacy, Laflin, La Forge, Lancaster, La Selle, Lawrence, Layton, Lee, Lefferdink, Leggett, Leners, Lenger, Le Poidevin, Lewis, Lillie, Lisec, Loemker, Long, Loomis, Lyndes, McCandless, McCann, McClung, McColl, McConihe, McGirr, McKeever, McKenna, McKinley, McKinney, McKissick, McLaughlin, McMichael, McMurray, McPheron, Magner, Mangus, Marples, Martin, Masek, mason, mayborn, Meints, Menke, Menter, Merchant, Merrick, Messmore, Meyer, Michael, Milburn, Miller, Milligan, Mitchell, Mittan, Montgomery, Moore, Moschel, Moseby, Moseley, Mowry, Mulligan, Mumford, Murdock, Murphy, Nelson, Neumann, Nicewonger, Nichols, Noble, Novotny, Ojers, Oltmans, Overbeck, Ozman, Paben, packer, Paddock, Palmer, Pape, Parde, Parker, Pearson, Pease, Pemberton, Pence, Penterman, Pethoud, Pfeffermann, Pheasant, Pickett, Pieper, Pike, Pitts, Plucknett, Poeverlein, Pothast, Prout, Pyle, Rains, Ramsey, Rathbun, Reed, Reedy, Reents, Reid, Reiff, Reimer, Remmers, Renard, Reuling, Revis, Reynolds, Rice, Richards, Riechers, Rife, Riggert, Rinaker, Robbins, Roe, Root, Roper, Rossiter, Roszell, Rothrock, Ruth, Rutherford, Ruyle, Ryan, Ryhd, Sabin, Sachtleben, Sackett, Saunders, Sausman, Savage, Schaefer, Scheideler, Scheve, Schiek, Schlosser, Schock, Schoen, Schowengerdt, Seymour, Shafer, Shalla, Shaw, Shelley, Sherwood, Sible, Siefkes, Siems, Singleton, Smethers, Smith, Snyder, Sonderegger, Spealman, Spellman, Spencer, Spiegel, Spilker, Sprowls, Stanek, Stanosheck, Starr, Steece, Steinmeyer, Stephenson, Strauch, Strough, Tart, Taylor, Theasmeyer, Thom, Thoman, Thornburg, Tilton, Tinkham, Tjaden, Towle, Townsend, Tracey, Troemper, Truxaw, Turner, Tyler, Ulrich, Van Boskirk, Van Horne, Van Liew, Vasey, Von Steen, Wallmann, Wandersee, Warford, Warren, Wayman, Webb, Weiner, Werner, Weston, Whalen, Whitton, Whyman, Wible, Wick, Wickham, Wiebe, Wiens, Wiese, Wieters, Will, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winter, Wise, Wolken, Wollenburg, Woods, Wright, Wrightsman, Young, Yule, Zimmerman, Zuver