What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Stuebenville and Jefferson Counties and their people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1910.


20th Century History of

 Steubenville & Jefferson County, Ohio

And Representative Citizens 


By Joseph B. Doyle


Richmond-Arnold Pub. Co.,

Chicago, IL.





1196 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 



Chapter I. Topography and Geology 
Chapter II. Primeval Man 
Chapter III. The Indian Tribes 
Chapter IV. Coming of the White Man 
Chapter V. Exploring the Ohio Country 
Chapter VI. The American Revolution 
Chapter VII. Pioneer Settlers 
Chapter VIII. A New Era 
Chapter IX. County Organization 
Chapter X. Legal, Judicial, Executive & Legislative 
Chapter XI. Record of Patriotism 
Chapter XII. Horticulture 
Chapter XIII. Public Highways 
Chapter XIV. The Great Water Trail 
Chapter XV. Steam and Trolley 
Chapter XVI. Natural Resources and Development 
Chapter XVII. Industrial Progress 
Chapter XVIII. The Press 
Chapter XIX. The Underground Railway 
Chapter XX. A Company of Worthies 
Chapter XXI. The County Seat 
Chapter XXII. The River Townships 
Chapter XXIII. Central and Western Townships 
Chapter XXIV. General Addenda 





Abraham, Adams, Adkins, Adrian, Aken, Alban, Alexander, Allen, Allison, Anathan, Anderson, Andrew, Andrews, Archer, Armstrong, Arthurs, Aten, Ault, Azallion, Bailey, Baise, Baker, Ball, Banfield, Barclay, Bargar, Barkhurst, Barnes, Barnhouse, Baron, Barr, Barrett, Barrows, Barthold, Bartley, Bates, Beans, Beatty, Becker, Beebout, Beem, Belden, Belknap, Benure, Beresford, Betton, Bevan, Bickerstaff, Bigger, Binckley, Bishop, Blackburn, Blinn, Bluck, Boedecker, Booth, Bostwick, Bouquet, Bowers, Boyd, Boyd, Boyer, Boyle, Brady, Bray, Brettell, Brodhead, Brosi, Brown, Brownlee, Bruner, Bucey, Buchanan, Buehler, Builderback, Burchfield, Burgoyne, Burke, Burnell, Burnett, Burns, Burriss, Butte, Cable, Cadman, Calderhead, Caldwell, Call, Callander, Campbell, Carey, Carnes, Carpenter, Carr, Castleman, Castner,Cattell, Celoron, Chalfant, Chambers, Cheffy, Clancy, Clark, Coates, Coble, Cochran, Coe, Cohen, Cole, Collier, Collins, Connelly, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Cornstalk, Cox, Cowan, Coyne, Craig, Crawford, Creamer, Cresap, Criss, Criswell, Croghan, Crossley, Crew, Cunningham, Curn, Daily, Dalrymple, Daton, Dance, Daniels, Daugherty, Davis, Dawson, Day, Dean, Deitz, Dempsey, Dever, Dickenson, Dike, Dillon, Donaldson,Douglas, Dow, Doyle, Dravis, Dunbar, Dunlope, Dye, Eckhardt, Edmiston, Edwards, Ekey, Elliott, Elson, Ely, England, Erskine, Ervin, Erwin, Evans, Ewing, Feist, Fell, Fellows, Ferguson, Ferry, Filson, Findley, Finley, Fisher, Fitzsimmons, Flanner, Flood, Floto, Floyd, Fogg, Fogle, Foreman, Foresha, Francy, Frazer, Frazier, Freeman, Freiling, Freudenberger, Friedl, Freelin, Fryer, Galbraith, Gallagher, Garretson, Gault, Geary, George, Gerke, Gescheider, Gibson, Giesey, Gilchrist, Gill, Gilson, Girty, Gist, Gladden, Glenn, Goodenow, Goodlin, Gorman, Gorsuch, Goucher, Gourley, Grafton, Graham, Gray, Grier, Griffith, Grimes, Groesbeck, Groves, Gruber, Hague, Hale, Hall, Hammond, Hanley, Hanlin, Hannan, Harden, Harrah, Harris, Harrison, Hartford, Hartup, Haverstock, Hawkins, Hayne, Heburn, Heil, Hellstern, Helms, Henderson, Hening, Hennepin, Henry, Hess, Hewitt, Hicks, Higgins, Hill, Hindman, Hipsley, Hobson, Hoffman, Hoge, Holmes, Holstein, Holton, Hook, Horner, Hornickel, Hotchkiss, Howells, Huff, Hummel, Hunter, Huscroft, Huston, Hutchins, Iddings, Irons, Jackson, Jemison, Jenkinson, Jenney, Jennings, Jewett, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Joyce, Judkins, Keane, Kelly, Kennon, Keogler, Kerr, Kilgore, King, Kinsey, Kirk, Kirkpatrick, Kithcart, Knox, Landmire, Large, Larkin, La Salle, Lashley, Laughlin, Lawler, Lawrence, Leatherberry, Lee, Leech, Leopold, Lewis, Liggett, Lindsay, Lindsey, Linton, Lloyd, Logan, Loftus, Long, Longacre, Lowry, McAdoo, McBane, McCain, McCann, McCarty, McCleary, McClinton, McConnell, McConville, McCook, McCoy, McCracken, McCullough, McCune, McDaniel, McDonald, McDowell, McEldowney, McElroy, McFadden, McFeely, McGowan, McGuire, McKee, McKinley, McLain, McLaughlin, McLean, McLeish, McMasters, McMaster, McMillan, McMullen, McNamara, McNeal, McWha, Macmillan, Madden, Mansfield, Naple, Marquette, Marsh, Marion, Martin, Mason, Matlack, Matthews, Maxwell, May, Means, Mears, Meason, Medcalf, Medill, Mehollin, Merkel, Merrill, Merryman, Metcalf, Mettenberger, Meyer, Mildner, Miller, Mills, Minot, Miser, Moody, Moore, Moores, Moreland, Morelli, Moren, Morrow, Murray, Myers, Naylor, Neely, Neiger, Nelson, Nesbitt, Nessley, Neville, Newson, Oliver, Orr, Otte, Oursler, Owen, Owesney, Packer, Paisley, Palmer, Parlett, Patterson, Paul, Pearce, Pekruhn, Pelley, Peterman, Petrovski, Pew, Phillips, Pierce, Pipe, Poe, Pontiac, Poole, Porter, Powell, Powers, Prentiss, Price, Probert, Puntney, Purviance, Pyle, Quinn, Rader, Ragan, Ralston, Reddick, Reese, Reid, Reynolds, Rhinehart, Richards, Richardson, Riddle, Rine, Risher, Robb, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rodgers, Root, Rose, Ross, Ruggles Russell, Salmon, Sample, Sander, Sarratt, Saulters, Scamahorn, Schrader, Schroeder, Scott, Scroggs, Shane, Shanks, Shannon, Sharon, Sharp, Shaw, Sheal, Shepherd, Sherrard, Shively, Shuster, Simeral, Simmons, Simpson, Sinclair, Sloane, Smith, Smogor, Smurthwaite, Smyser, Snodgrass, Snyder, Spaulding, Specht, Speedy, Spence, Spencer, Sprague, Spruens, Stanton, Stark, Stecker, Steele, Steinmetz, Stephenson, Sterling, Stevenson, Stewart, Still, Stokely, Stone, Stonebraker, Strayer, Stringer, Strobel, Strong, Stroud, Sulzbacher, Sutherland, Swan, Swearingen, Swickard, Swindler, Taggart, Tappan, Tappe, Tarr, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Tilton, Timberlake, Tisher, Todd, Tomlinson, Trainer, Traut, Truex, Turnbull, Turner, Urquhart, Vail, Van Buskirk, Van Meter, Vantelberg, Vaughan, Vermillion, Verwohlt, Vickers, Von Muralt, Vorhees, Waddle, Walker, Wallace, Wanenmacher, Ward, Warren, Watkins, Watson, Watt, Waugh, Weaterson, Weber, Webster, Weems, Weigand, Welday, Wells, Westfall, Westmeyer, Wetzel, Wheaton, Wheeler, Wherry, Whigham, Whitcomb, White, Whitworth, Wickersham, Wildpret, Wiles, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winn, Winters, Wintringer, Withrow, Wolfe, Wood, Woods, Work, Wrenshall, Wright, Yocum, Yost, Young, Zende, Zeyer, Zink