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A©ancestry found brief history of the Thirty-fourth regiment, N. Y. S. V. : embracing a complete roster of all officers and men and a full account of the dedication of the monument on the battlefield of Antietam, September 17, 1902 by S.T. Olen - (1901) - 200 pages
A brief history of the Twenty-Eighth Regiment New York State Volunteers, First Brigade, First Division, Twelfth Corps, Army of the Potomac from the author's diary ©ancestry foundand official reports. With the muster-roll of the regiment ... and ... with the report of proceedings of the thirty-fifth annual reunion held at Albion, New York, May 22, 1896 by D.L. Clark - (1891) - 390 pages
A©ancestry found complete military history and record of the 108th Regiment N.Y. vols., from 1862 to 1894. Together with roster, letters, Rebel oaths of allegiance, Rebel passes, reminiscences, life sketches, photographs, etc., etc by George H. Washburn - (1898) - 504 pages
A condensed history of the 56th©ancestry found Regiment, New©ancestry found York Veteran Volunteer Infantry, which was part of the organization known as the "Tenth Legion" in the Civil War, 1861-1865, together with a register or roster of all the members of the regiment, and the war record of each member as recorded in the Adjutant General's Office at Albany, New York by Joel C Foussat and R.K. Anaugi - (1904) - 442 pages
A©ancestry found history of the Forty-fourth regiment, New York volunteer infantry, in the civil war, 1861-1865 by Eugene Arus Nash - (1917) - 674 pages
A memorial of Brevet Brigadier General Lewis Benedict, colonel of 162d regiment N. Y. V. I., who fell in battle at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864 by Henry Marvin Benedict - (1865) - 174 pages
A©ancestry found regimental history : the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth New York State Volunteers by Ezra de Freest - (1887) - 428 pages
A reminiscence of Washington and Early's attack in 1864 by Edgar Swartwout Dudley - (1880) - 30 pages
Album of the second battalion Duryee Zouaves, One hundred and sixty -fifth regt. New York volunteer infantry by the U.S. Army Infantry Regiment 165th - (1906) - 214 pages
Alphabetical card-index of the rolls of the 164th New York Infantry by the United States Adjutant Generals Office - (1887) - 100 pages
An historical sketch of the 162d Regiment N.Y. Vol. Infantry : (3d Metropolital Guard), 19th Army Corps, 1862-1865 by the United States Army New York Infantry Regiment 162nd - (1867) - 100 pages
Biographical©ancestry found sketch of James Clark Strong by James Clark Strong - (1910) - 136 pages
Brief history of Company B, 27th regiment N.Y. volunteers; its organization and the part it took in the war by D.E. Buell - (1874) - 56 pages
Camp and field life of the Fifth New York volunteer infantry. (Duryee Zouaves.) by Alfred Davenport - (1879) - 976 pages
Casualties by battles and by names in the Eighth New York Heavy Artillery, August 22, 1862-June 5, 1865, together with a review of the service of the regiment fifty years by James Monroe Hudnut - (1913) - 128 pages
Cayuga©ancestry found in the field : a record of the 19th N. Y. Volunteers, all the batteries of the 3d New York Artillery, and 75th New York Volunteers by Henry and James Hall - (1873) - 632 pages
Chronicles©ancestry found of the One hundred fifty-first regiment New York state volunteer infantry, 1862-1865 by Helena Adelaide Howell - (1911) - 592 pages
Chronicles of the Rebellion of 1861, forming a complete history of the secession movement from its commencement, to which are added the muster roll of the Union army and explanatory and illustrative notes of the leading features of the campaign by Charles J. Ross - (1861) - 72 pages
Chronicles©ancestry found of the Twenty-first Regiment New York State Volunteers : embracing a full history of the regiment from the enrolling of the first volunteer in Buffalo, April 15, 1861, to the final mustering out, May 18, 1863 : including a copy of muster out rolls of field and staff, and each company by John Harrison Mills - (1887) - 398 pages
Company G. : a record of the services of one company of the 157th N. Y. vols. in the war of the rebellion, from Sept. 19, 1862 to July 10, 1865, including the roster of the company by Albert Rowe Barlow - (1899) - 258 pages
Deeds of daring : or, History of the Eighth N.Y. Volunteer Cavalry, containing a complete record of the battles, skirmishes, marches, etc., that the gallant Eighth New York Cavalry participated in, from its organization in November, 1861, to the close of the rebellion in 1865. by Henry Norton - (1889) - 200 pages
Drum©ancestry found taps in Dixie; memories of a drummer boy, 1861-1865 by Delavan S. Miller - (1905) - 274 pages
First organization of colored troops in the State of New York, to aid in suppressing the slaveholders' rebellion : statements concerning the origin, difficulties and success of the movement, including official documents, military testimonials, proceedings of the "Union League Club," etc. by New York Association for Colored Volunteers - (1864) - 28 pages
From Bull Run to Chancellorsville; the story of the Sixteenth New York Infantry together with personal reminiscences by Newton Martin Curtis - (1906) - 424 pages
Grand©ancestry found Army of the Republic. History of the order in the U. S. by counties. Otsego County posts, Department of New York, including a complete record of soldiers surviving and buried in the county, with company and regiment ... Compiled by D. A. Ellis - (1892) - 280 pages
Heavy guns and light: a history of the 4th New York Heavy Artillery by Hyland Clare Kirk - (1890) - 672 pages
Historic records of the Fifth New York cavalry by Louis Napoleon Beaudry - (1865) - 366 pages
Historical©ancestry found roll of Company D, 8th Regiment, New-York Heavy Artillery. Originally 129th N. Y. Infantry by James Monroe Hudnut - (1887) - 24 pages
Historical©ancestry found sketch of the Sixteenth Regiment N. Y. S. Volunteer Infantry, April 1861 - May 1863 : St. Lawrence. Clinton. Franklin. First reunion, Potsdam, NY, August 31st and September 1st, 1886 by William W. Thompson - (1886) - 130 pages
History ©ancestry foundand honorary roll of the Twelfth Regiment, Infantry, N.G.S.N.Y. Containing a full and accurate account of the various changes through which the organization has passed since its formation (1847) to the present; also biographical sketches of General Butterfield, Ward, and Barlow, and Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., as well as the names and rank of several hundred members of the "Twelfth" who rose to distinction during the War for the Suppression of the Great Rebellion by Morris Francis Dowley - (1869) - 464 pages
History of Company "K" of the 17th Regiment, N. Y. V. by Harwood A. Dudley - (1901) - 22 pages
History©ancestry found of the 10th Regiment N. Y. Heavy Artillery, from Madison Barracks to Appomattox, with reminiscences, &c by Edward P. Webb - (1887) - 170 pages
History of the 114th regiment, New York State volunteers : containing a perfect record of its services, embracing all its marches, campaigns, battles, sieges and sea-voyages, with a biographical sketch of each officer, and a complete register of the regiment, wherein appears the name of every officer and enlisted man who has ever belonged to the same, with full remarks relating thereto, and several illustrations by Elias Porter Pellet - (1866) - 838 pages
History of the 121st New York State Infantry by Isaac Oliver Best - (1921) - 286 pages
History of the 159th Regiment, N.Y.S.V by Edward Duffy - (1890) - 56 pages
History©ancestry found of the 179th Regiment N. Y. S. V. Rebellion of 1861-65 by New York Infantry 179th Regiment - (1900) - 88 pages
History of the 184th Regiment, New York State Volunteers by Wardwell G. Robinson - (1895) - 72 pages
History of the 27th regiment N.Y. vols by Charles Bryant Fairchild - (1888) - 322 pages
History of the Dewitt guard, company A, 50th regiment National guard, state of New York by United States Army New York Infantry Regiment - (1866) - 208 pages
History of the Fortieth (Mozart) regiment, New York Volunteers, which was composed of four companies from New York, four companies from Massachusetts and two companies from Pennsylvania by Frederick Clark Floyd - (1909) - 620 pages
History of the Forty-ninth New York Volunteers by Frederick David Bidwell - (1916) - 128 pages
History of the ninth regiment, New York volunteer cavalry. War of 1861 to 1865 by D.L. Clark - (1901) - 442 pages
History©ancestry found of the One hundred and eighty-ninth regiment of New-York volunteers by W.H. Rogers and R.K. Anaugi - (1865) - 128 pages
History of the one hundred and twenty-eighth regiment : New York volunteers (U.S. infantry) ; in the late civil war by David Henry Hanaburgh - (1894) - 526 pages
History ©ancestry foundof the One hundred and twenty-fourth regiment, N. Y. S. V. by Charles H. Weygant - (1877) - 948 pages
History of the One Hundredth Regiment of New York State Volunteers : being a record of its services from its muster in to its muster out, its muster in roll, roll of commissions, recruits furnished through the Board of Trade of the city of Buffalo, and short sketches of deceased and surviving officers by George H. Stowits - (1870) - 468 pages
History of the Second Battalion Duryee: Zouaves by U.S. Army New York Infantry Regiment 165th - (1905) - 348 pages
History of the Seventh Regiment of New York, 1806-1889 by Emmons Clark - (1890) - 562 pages
History of the Seventh Regiment, National Guard, State of New York, during the War of the Rebellion : with a preliminary chapter on the origin and early history of the regiment, a summary of its history since the war, and a roll of honor, comprising brief sketches of the services rendered by members of the regiment in the Army and Navy of the United States by William Swinton - (1870) - 540 pages
History of the Seventy-sixth regiment New York volunteers; what it endured and accomplished; containing descriptions of its twenty-five battles; its marches; its camp and bivouac scenes; with biographical sketches of fifty-three officers and a complete record of the enlisted men by Abram P. Smith - (1867) - 448 pages
History of the Sixth New York Cavalry (Second Ira Harris Guard) Second Brigade -- First Division -- Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, 1861-1865; by Hillman Allyn Hall - (1908) - 620 pages
History©ancestry found of the Sixtieth Regiment New York State Volunteers, from the commencement of its organization in July, 1861, to its public reception at Ogdensburgh as a veteran command, January 7th, 1864 by Richard Eddy - (1864) - 382 pages
History of the Tenth regiment of cavalry New York state volunteers, August, 1861, to August, 1865 by Noble D. Preston - (1892) - 748 pages
History of the third regiment, Excelsior brigade, 72d New York volunteer infantry, 1861-1865 by Henri Le Fevre Brown - (1902) - 192 pages
History©ancestry found of the Twenty-second regiment of the National guard of the state of New York; from its organization to 1895 by George Wood Wingate - (1896) - 756 pages
History of the Two Hundred and Third Regiment, New York Infantry Volunteers by Peter Samuel Rigney - (1899) - 106 pages
Last days of the rebellion : the Second New York Cavalry (Harris' Light) at Appomattox Station and Appomattox Court House, April 8 and 9, 1865 by Alanson M Randol - (1883) - 34 pages
My Life in the Army, three years and a half with the Fifth army corps, Army of the Potomac 1862-1865 by robert Tilney - (1912) - 258 pages
New York©ancestry found in the War of Rebellion, 1861-1865, Volumes 1 thru 6 by Frederick Phisterer - (1912) - 4875 pages
One Hundred Forty-Third Regiment New York Vols. Inft., Sullivan Co by United States Army New York Infantry Regiment 143rd - (1892) - 80 pages
Our campaign around Gettysburg : being a memorial of what was endured, suffered, and accomplished by the Twenty-third regiment (N.Y.S.N.G.) and other regiments associated with them, in their Pennsylvania and Maryland campaign, during the rebel invasion of the loyal states in June-July, 1863 by John Lockwood - (1864) - 182 pages
Perry's saints; or, The fighting parson's regiment in the war of the rebellion; by James Moses Nichols - (1886) - 322 pages
Persona©ancestry foundl recollections of the war. A record of service with the Ninety-third New York Vol. Infantry, and the First Brigade, First Division, Second Corps, Army of the Potomac by Robert Stoddart Robertson - (1895) - 136 pages
Proceedings attending the presentation of ©ancestry foundregimental colors to the Legislature, April 20, 1864 by New York Adjutant Generals Office - (1864) - 100 pages
Random sketches and wandering thoughts, or, What I saw in camp, on the march, the bivouac, the battle field and hospital, while with the army in Virginia, North and South Caroline, during the late rebellion : with a historical sketch of the second Oswego regiment, Eighty-first New York state V.I., a record of all its officers, and a roster of its enlisted men, also an appendix by Bartholomew S. De Forest - (1866) - 338 pages
Record of the 114th Regiment, N.Y.S.V. : where it went, what it saw, and what it did by Harris H Beecher - (1866) - 604 pages
Records of the 24th Independent Battery, N. Y. Light Artillery, U. S. V by Julian Whedon Merrill - (1870) - 332 pages
Regimental history of the First New York Dragoons (originally the 130th N.Y. Vol. Infantry) during three years of active service in the great Civil War by James Riley Bowen - (1900) - 488 pages
Reminiscences and record of the 6th New York V.V. cavalry by Alonzo Foster - (1892) - 292 pages
Reminiscences of the 123d Regiment, N.Y.S.V., giving a complete history of its three years service in the war by Henry C Morhous - (1879) - 232 pages
Report of the monument committee of the One hundred and twenty-third regiment New York Infantry Volunteers. 1st Brig., 1st Div., 20th Corps by New York Infantry 123rd Regiment - (1891) - 40 pages
Roster of the 185th Regiment N.Y.V. by the New York Infantry 185th Regiment - (1889) - 54 pages
Selections ©ancestry foundfrom the letters and diaries of Brevet-Brigadier General Willoughby Babcock of the Seventy-fifth New York volunteers: a study of camp life in the Union Armies during the Civil War by Willoughby Babcock - (1922) - 148 pages
Services©ancestry found of the Tenth New York Volunteers (National Zouaves,) in the War of the Rebellion by Charles W. Cowtan - (1882) - 926 pages
Sketches in prison camps : a continuation of Sketches of the war, U.S. Army New York Infantry Regiment 176th - (1865) - 222 pages
Testimonial©ancestry found to Col. Rush C. Hawkins, Ninth regiment N. Y. V., "Hawkins' zouaves." - (1863) - 18 pages
The©ancestry found "Dutchess county regiment" (150th regiment of New York state volunteer infantry) in the Civil War by Stephen Guernsey Cook - (1907) - 546 pages
The "Ulster guard" (20th N. Y. State militia) and the War of the Rebellion, Embracing a history of the early organization of the regiments its three months service...complete roster, etc ...its reorganization and subsequent services... together with a brief treatise upon the origin and growth of secession,; the Militis system, and the dependence of the federal government upon it in the beginning of the war; with a critical history of the first batle of Bull Run; campaign of Gen. Pope; McClellan's Maryland campaign; battle of Frederickburg: Hooker's Chancellorsville campaign: Gettysburg campaign; and a glance at the campaign from the Rapidan to Appomattaz Court House by Theodore Burr Gates - (1879) - 656 pages
The 159th regiment infantry, New York state volunteers, in the war of the rebellion, 1862-1865 by William Francis Tiemann - (1891) - 228 pages
The Diary of a Line Officer by Augustus Cleveland Brown - (1906) - 126 pages
The diary of a young officer serving with the armies of the United States during the war of the rebellion, New York Infantry Regiment 57th, by Josiah Marshall Favill - (1909) - 332 pages
The first New York (Lincoln) cavalry from April 19, 1861, to July 7, 1865 by William Harrison Beach - (1902) - 652 pages
The Hawkins Zouaves: (Ninth N. Y. V.) their battles and marches by JHE Whitney - (1866) - 224 pages
The history of a volunteer regiment : being a succinct account of the organization, services and adventures of the Sixth Regiment New York©ancestry found Volunteers Infantry known as Wilson Zouaves : where they went, what they did, and what they saw in the War of the Rebellion, 1861 to 1865 by Gouverneur Morris - (1891) - 174 pages
The history of the Forty-eighth Regiment New York State Volunteers, in the War for the Union, 1861-1865 by Abraham John Palmer - (1885) - 354 pages
The honors of the Empire state in the war of the rebellion by Thomas Seaman Townsend - (1889) - 428 pages