The Ultimate


Of the

 Civil War

Grand Army

of the



54 - Books on 1 DVD


The Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) was a fraternal organization composed of veterans of the Union Army, Union Navy and Marines.  Founded in 1866 the G.A.R. had hundreds of local community groups (Posts) across the nation. In 1890 the G.A.R. had 490,000 members. In the G.A.R's 90 year run they produced numerous publications.  The G.A.R. dissolved in 1956. 

The books on this DVD contain the rosters of individual Posts, Historical sketches of Wartime Officers, Rolls of Annual encampments, Biographical Albums, and many more books published by the G.A.R..

If you have ancestral roots that fought for the North, then this DVD will be indispensible to you.


Abraham Lincoln closed his inaugural message to the American people with these words ---"Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still competent to adjust, in the best way, all our present difficulties"**


An essential resource for Genealogists and Historians


Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read.

Many of these books on DVD are SEARCHABLE

What is “Searchable”?

Simply type in a word, name, place or phrase and the “Find” function will locate the word wherever it exists within the text. The process only takes a few minutes per book and saves you many hours in searching for the information you want.

Your Ancestors are waiting to be Discovered.



(Partial List)


If Lincoln had Lived ** (An address delivered to Post, No 18, Department of the Pennsylvania Line, Grand Army of the Republic) by John W. Frazier - (1909) - 16 pages


A Collection of War-time Portraits (From negatives made by W.B Brady, Government Photographer during the Civil War.)  Arranged by Perry Mason Company, Boston, MA. for The Grand Army of the Republic - (1904) - 24 pages


Soldiers' and Patriots' Biographical Album (Biographies and Portraits of Soldiers and Loyal Citizens in the American Conflict together with the Great Commanders of the Union Army and a history of the organizations growing out of the war)  by contributions from Union and C.S.A. Officers  - (1892) - 896 pages


Sparks from the Campfire - Tales of the Old Veterans (Thrilling stories of heroic deeds, brave encounters, desperate battles, bold achievements, reckless daring, lofty patriotism, terrible suffering and wondrous fortitude)  by contributions from One hundred and fifty comrades - (1893) - 630 pages


Grand Army of the Republic Handbook (Members handbook that explains the aim, object and doings of the organization)  compiled by A.C. Leonard, Dept. of PA, G.A.R.- (1884) - 64 pages


Grand Army War Songs (A collection of war songs, battle songs, camp songs, national songs, marching songs, etc. To which is added songs and hymns for special occasions) edited by Wilson G. Smith - (1886) - 170 pages




48 more books !!!!

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