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A History of Norway : from the earliest times by Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen - (1886) - 598 pages

A History of Norwegian immigration to the United States : from the earliest beginning down to the year 1848 by George T. Flom - (1909) - 416 pages

A History of the Norwegians of Illinois; a concise record of the struggles and achievements of the early settlers together with a narrative of what is now being done by the Norwegian-Americans of Illinois in the development of their adopted country by Algot E. Strand - (1905) - 570 pages

Aasegg, Osen area of Norway, Fosna, No. Trondalag, Norway : people with names Aasegg, Buaro Nordenclan, Sundet and others - (1900) - 210 pages (Language: Norwegian)

Altar Book of the Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church : a translation by Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church of America - (1915) - 476 pages

Christmas Fireside Stories; or, Round the yule log; Norwegian folk and fairy tales by Peter Christen Asbjornsen - (1919) - 344 pages

East o' the Sun and West o' the Moon : with other Norwegian folk tales by Various Authors - (1912) - 226 pages

History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway by Samuel Astley Dunham - (1839) - 370 pages

History of the Church and State in Norway from the tenth to the sixteenth century by Thomas Benjamin Wilson - (1903) - 428 pages

History of the Norwegian People in America by Olaf Morgan Norlie - (1922)-  520 pages

History of the Norwegian People, Volume 1, by Knut Gjerset - (1915) - 578 pages

History of the Norwegian People, Volume 2, by Knut Gjerset - (1915) - 718 pages

Home Life in Norway by D.L. Clark & R.K. Anaugi - (1911) - 344 pages

Journal of a Residence in Norway, during the years 1834, 1835, and 1836, made with a view to enquire into the moral and political economy of that country, and the condition of its inhabitants by Samuel Laing - (1837) - 522 pages

Norway and its Fjords by M.A. Wyllie and R.K. Anaugi - (1907) - 400 pages

Norway and the Norwegians by Charles Francis Keary - (1892) - 428 pages

Norway by John Lawson Stoddard - (1897) - 124 pages

Norway by Nico Jungman - (1905) - 374 pages

Norway by Sigvart Sorensen - (1899) - 370 pages

Norwegian Immigrant Contributions to America's Making by Harry Sundby-Hansen - (1921) - 180 pages

Norwegian Laws Concerning illegitimate Children by Leifur Magnusson (U.S. Dept. of Labor - Childrens Bureau) - (1918) - 52 pages

The Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway, an historical and political survey, with a complete translation of the Norwegian Constitution and the Act of Union between Norway and Sweden by Hans Lien Braekstad - (1905) - 132 pages

The Early kings of Norway by Thomas Carlyle - (1885) - 130 pages

The Early kings of Norway; also an essay on the portraits of John Knox by Thomas  Carlyle - 374 pages

The First Chapter of Norwegian immigration (1821-1840) : its causes and results by Rasmus Bjorn Anderson - (1895) - 624 pages

The Fjords and Folk of Norway by Samuel J. Beckett - (1915) - 390 pages

The History of Norway by David Noyes - (1852) - 224 pages

The Norse-Folk; or, A visit to the homes of Norway and Sweden by Charles Loring Brace - (1857) - 544 pages

The Norway Register, 1903-4 by Harry Edward Mitchell - 128 pages

The Norwegian Farmers in the United States by Torger Anderson Hoverstad - (1915) - 138 pages

The Saga of King Olaf Tryggwason who reigned over Norway A.D. 995 to A.D. 1000 by John Sephton - (1895) - 540 pages

The Skavlem and Odegaarden Families : being a genealogical record and pioneer history of the Skavlem and Odegaarden families from their emigration from Norway down to the present ; with ninety-nine portraits and other illustrations by Halvor L. Skavlem - (1915) - 284 pages

The Story of Norway by Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen - (n.d.) - 604 pages

The Vanderlip, Van Derlip, Vander Lippe family in America; also including some account of the Von Der Lippe family of Lippe, Germany, from which the Norwegian, Dutch and American lines have their descent by Charles Edwin Booth - (1914) - 210 pages