This listing is for "Adorable Kunzite Ring Size 9 or S, 925 Silver" that you in the photos. The stone is 3 mm, and the flower is around 1.3 cm. You will love it :)
"Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Kunzite
Kunzite is a beautiful crystal, pure in energy and joyful in nature. In palest pink to light violet hues, it is a Stone of Emotion, opening and connecting the heart to the mind and stimulating a healing communion between the two. Kunzite encourages one to release walls built around the heart for protection, and to be receptive to the experience of unconditional and abundant love.
Named for the mineralogist and jeweler George Frederick Kunz who first catalogued it in 1902, Kunzite is the pink to violet variety of the silicate, Spodumene. It has a glassy transparency, and forms in flattened prismatic crystals with vertical striations. It is highly pleochroic, shifting from pale pink to light violet and even colorless, depending on the angle of observation, and though its perfect cleavage makes cutting difficult, it can be faceted into beautiful gems.
Kunzite Uses and Purposes - Overview
Pink Kunzite is often called the Woman's Stone. It is particularly supportive for a young or first-time mother and for all single mothers, and assists human, as well as animal mothers who may have a hard time caring for their young. It is a good stone for sleepless babies and over-active children, and is an excellent gift for girls entering puberty to help them love their changing bodies. [Eason, 57]
Kunzite is an ideal crystal for children having a hard time adjusting to and functioning in life. Its soft pink ray will bring comfort, and cleanse any auric shadows that may have accumulated from negative vibrations or situations. It is also a beneficial stone for star children or walk-ins to help them adjust to earth plane environments and energy. [Raphaell, 116]
Kunzite helps to relieve heartache over loss or separation, and in overcoming heartbreak after a relationship has broken down. [Eason, 57]
The soothing power of Kunzite calms nervousness during an examination, interview or assessment, and is useful in situations where you cannot show irritation. In the workplace Kunzite is a protective stone when superiors bring personal dislikes or problems to work, or uses flirtation or sexual bullying as a power play. [Eason, 57]
As a travel crystal, Lilac Kunzite guards against road rage and stress while driving. It also calms difficult passengers in your vehicle. [Hall, 42]
Carry Lilac Kunzite when visiting locations where negative events have taken place. It increases intuitive powers and is especially protective against harmful spirits. [Eason, 210]"
Pink Kunzite connects you deeply to your heart and the higher frequencies of love. It allows for the opening of your heart, acting as the doorway through which all wisdom and creativity is expressed and experienced. Kunzite acts as a catalyst, facilitating your ability to stand strong in your own power and energy, giving you strength and confidence. All loving energy of the highest vibration fills you with peace and joy, opening you to love on all levels. It provides a sanctuary when carried, dissipating negativity and attracting love energies. Kunzite helps you to better understand and interact with others, to help heal broken hearts, to relieve stress and anger, and to bring love, peace and harmony. It is also a stone that removes obstacles to love. Physically, Kunzite helps to strengthen your circulatory system, and is helpful in the treatment of lung disorders.