ship within 3 business days of receiving payment. Although most items
arrive within a week or two; please allow 2 - 5 weeks for delivery if
you live outside of Canada as the item will have to clear Customs.
At this point I accept Cash and PayPal only. Unfortunately Google Checkout is not yet available to Canadians
you are unhappy with your purchase for any reason, I will gladly refund
your purchase price [minus the shipping cost] You must return the item
within one week of receiving it and you must pay your own return
I strive to
represent my items accurately..... however Gremlins may be conspiring to
infiltrate my computer system while I'm sleeping.... in the unlikely
event of this happening I will pay all shipping costs.
Thanks for looking and happy shopping with whomever you decide to buy from.
Combined shipping rates are available. I charge only what it costs me to ship your items. Please contact me for a quote.