This is a vintage original 27x41 in. U.S. one-sheet poster from the 1930's surrealistic animated short, THE ORPHAN DUCK, released in 1939 by 20th Century-Fox and produced by Paul Terry and his TERRY-TOONS. The beautiful stone lithograph artwork depicts a large image of Dinky, the orphan duck looking coy and shy as a dog, a very cute cat, two roosters, and two mice play in the background behind him while four "shady" characters are depicted along the right border. The famous TERRY-TOONS logo is depicted in bright red letters atop a musical staff at the top. 

Folded as originally issued, this vintage original stone lithograph has been professionally linen-backed and is in fair+ to good- condition only with clear signs of restoration primarily along the fold lines and within the borders and in the white background behind the film's title. There is a vertical area of paper loss near the bottom right corner to the left of the word "FOX"; minor repairs in the top of the left border; and a few areas where the paper is either lifting from the surface or is beginning to flake from the restoration. This poster could be displayed as-is or could be re-restored to hide the restoration that is currently visible.