Original finish filly "Promise" sculpture

Cast in resin, dark gray stone color.

This adorable filly measures 7" long, x 5" deep x 4.5" high, which makes her a Traditional size model compared to Breyer.

I only have one here available right now.  The resin is perfect for repainting!  This material it is cast in takes both oil and acrylic paint easily and has a smooth surface. 

What a great way to add to your model collection!

This sculpture was done in 2003.


Back in the early 80's I was one of those model collectors who repositioned Breyer horses and repainted them.  There are less than 85 remade models that I did, with the last few years of work being done for a collector in Europe. 

Please visit my store and "favorite" me to see the new items coming within the year.  This is going to be the biggest year ever, and right now we are waiting for the arrival of dozens of design that were put into production!