Gopher Ground Squirrel Gassers Smoke Bombs (Two packs)  When gophers and ground squirrels drive you mad, pull out the big guns. AMDRO® Gopher Gasser kills these pests by releasing a toxic gas that travels through their burrow system. They can run, but they sure cannot hide.  For outdoor use only in underground gopher and ground squirrel burrows  TO CONTROL POCKET GOPHERS:  BURROW PREPARATION:  Locate characteristic fan-shaped soil mounds, which have sights of recent activity at their plugged entrances. Remove soil plug from center of each burrow entrance.  Return the next day to see if the burrow opening has been replugged, indicating active use by a pocket gopher. DO NOT treat burrows that remain unplugged. Find the horseshoe-shaped depression on one side of the plugged mound.  Locate the main runway by probing the ground 15–18 inches from the mound, starting on the same side as the depression. The main runway has been located when friction on the probe is released and it falls into the runway.  Using a shovel or trowel, dig down to the main runway, taking care not to block it with soil.  BURROW TREATMENT:  Before lighting the fuse, insure the cartridge will pass easily into opening and make sure that enough material is on hand to close burrows.  Hold AMDRO® Gopher Gasser™ cartridge away from your body and ignite tip of fuse with a match or lighter with a small flame. The minimum fuse burn time is five seconds when it is lit at the tip. DO NOT INHALE TOXIC FUMES.  When it is lit, carefully insert the cartridge, fuse-end first, into one side of the open runway.  Immediately close the opening with a board or shovel of sod. Tamp lightly with soil to prevent gases from escaping. If smoke is seen escaping from other holes, plug them firmly with soil.  One or more additional cartridges must be used if treatment takes place in the middle of runway or if a runway is T-shaped.  Within five days of treatment, check area for appearance of fresh mounds, which could be the work of survivors or gophers that have moved into the treated area.  Retreat all systems with evidence of new pocket gopher activity.  You will receive 12 smoke bombs total.  (2 packs of 6)  New in packages  Fast shipping!