Will John contact me soon?
What does he/ she think about me?
Is there possible marriage for us?
Should I leave my current job?
How will my finance in next 3 months be like?
Will I pass the interview? 
Will I get the job?

Welcome to my Tarot Reading Service. You can ask any questions regard to Love, Finance, Career, Spiritual Path, Family... 

But please understand, I will NOT ANSWER HOW MANY, GAMBLE, HEALTH, FUTURE OF FUTURE and WHERE questions. For "When" questions, please give me the time frame (E.g.: Within next 3 months, Will I see John again?)

I need names, photos (If possible) for the reading. You will get your reading by email in within 24 hours. For samples of reading, please visit my page: 

I am here to listen, to show you the right path!