I am pleased to bring you this beautiful new item.
Wealth ~Success & High Status Earrings!

These Earrings were cast with our famous "Codes of the Rich and Famous" Spells.
The way your energies resonate can make a HUGE difference when it comes to wealth or lack thereof.
As you wear these earrings, your energies will align with the UNIVERSAL WEALTH frequencies.
Money will come from EVERY WHERE!
The more you wear, the stronger they become.
I am not saying you will instantly win the lottery, but chances are drastically increased when your energies are properly aligned.
Doors will open, opportunities will arise and WILD LUCK and cash will flow directly to you from the bottomless pool of the Universal wealth frequencies.
Earrings: Gold tone studs with glass orbs filled with golden orbs that move as you do. The movement of the orbs expedites the speed in which these earrings work, so it is important that you wear them. If you are sensitive to them, you can wear them on your shirt. Just stick the studs through the cloth and put the backs on to hold them in place.
Gold in its physical state, by its very nature, denotes wealth and prestige in every country, culture and market in the world today.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.
