Mix of more that 7 dominican herbs and roots Mamajuana. Make your own liquor!

K-RLA Mamajuana is a authentic drink from the Dominican republic. The specific herbs that make Mamajuana were originally prepared as an herbal tea by the native Taino indians, and much later in time, after Columbus, alcohol was added to the recipe. Besides being rumored to be an aphrodisiac, as many natives in the Dominican republic claims thatthe drink has similar effects.Mamajuana is also consumed for its medical value. Alcohol is said to act as a basis of extract which is extracted healing properties of herbs, creating an infusion of herbs is often served as a shot. The positive health effects ranging from a flu remedy, digestion and help circulation, a blood cleanser and kidney and liver tonic.

Ingredients: Anamú (Petiveria alliacea), Anis Estrellado (Illicium verum)Palo de Bracil (Brazil Wood), Canelilla (Cinnamodendron ekmanii), Bohuco Pega Palo (Cissus verticillata)Uña de Gato (Uncaria tomentosa or cat's claw),  Timacle (Chiococca alba)

Is a perfect immune modulation and like Dominicans says " against all diseases" way! 

Is ready to prepare. 30 % of rum , 30 % of wine and 30 % of honey.

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