The Smurfs, Vol. 1: True Blue Friends


Lighthearted and adorable, the Smurfs have delighted millions of children with their animated adventures and can-do attitude. Located in cozy Smurf Village, all of the show's blue-complected characters--including carefree Handy, know-it-all Brainy, sweet Smurfette, and fatherly Papa Smurf--have something that makes them special. But when the going gets tough, their most important resource is each other. As the little guys (and girl) hunt for smurfberries and fend off the evil designs of the wizard Gargamel, they learn some important lessons. Adapted from the Belgian comic strip "Les Schtroumpfs," this fun-filled series is full of smurftastic adventures. This collection presents the first volume of episodes from the show's second season.




Additional Details
Format: Animated

Ws or Fs


All used  disks are professionally refurbished and test played before shipping and will play  well in most machines.

Disc's are also repackaged (labeled refurbished)