Please take note that the delivery time could take up to 4 weeks or more to reach you depending on the location and other factors after the parcel had been posted to you using "Standard Registered Mail". If you wish to have the parcel to be delivered to you via "Express Shipment" - (Estimate 3 to 5 days), it will cost an additional US $20 (United States), US $28 (Other Countries). If you wish to have this option for “Express shipment”, please contact me at email: [email protected] for the arrangement immediately (on the same day the order being placed). Alternatively, you can add this "Express Shipment" option as an item in your cart which will take care of it automatically. Search for the item "Express Shipment" at the same booth. Please do contact me at email above if you need further assistance or information.

This is the "Cost" for "Express Shipment" . By adding this item in the cart, it will enable us to ship the item using "Express shipment" which will have the items to reach you location in estimate 3-5 business days.

This will be the fastest way option of getting the parcel to be delivered to you as soon as possible.