Uniracers video game cartridge for the Super Nintendo (SNES) console.  Sort of the Super NES's answer to Sonic the Hedgehog with a little Tony Hawk thrown in, years before Tony Hawk was actually a thing.  You control a riderless unicycle through ramps and loops, doing mid-air tricks, which when done successfully increase your speed.

Amusingly, you could enter a name for your cycle and if you chose "Sega" or "Sonic" the game would reject it as not being cool enough.  Shots fired.  This game was also the subject of a lawsuit from Pixar, who claimed the riderless unicycle concept violated the copyright on one of their early computer animated films.  Pixar won the suit and the developer had to stop production of any new copies, although there were enough made in the original run that the game is not particularly rare today.

The cartridge label is in great condition.  Tested and works great.

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